Double dating with demons

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Chojo's POV

"You're wrong about this."

"Look at them over there! Watching us... attempting to figure out our every move!"

"You're wrong about this."

"The sooner we catch them sucking onto some poor innocent fool, the sooner we can resolve our rewards as the most competent members of the Occult club to President Oka!"

"You're wrong about this."

"At first I had my doubts, but the evidence is so clear! Both of the Basu sisters have to be succubuses! Just look at their names!"

"You're wrong about this."

"Don't you have anything else to say other than complete and utter lies?"

"Hm... mmmh mmmh." I shake my head "no".

"Good. Now that'll be the last of your petty distractions. Be quiet while I observe demons in their natural habitat."

He ignores me repeating myself about how he's wrong and just keeps staring at Sakyu and Inkyu Basu doing absolutely nothing. I stop saying it after 17 more times and I mean every word while Daku makes himself look like a full fledged ass.

The Basu sisters are NOT demons! I've repeated this so many times, but NOOOO, Chojo isn't seeing the full picture!

Oka gave us a mission to spy on them every day until they do something that proves that they're succubuses, or vampires, or whatever! But flirting with boys and wearing colored contacts doesn't make a demon. If Oka were dead, I wouldn't have to spend so much time with this idiot.

But it's not her fault; Daku's the one who put it in her head in the fucking first place! That guy thinks anyone with a pulse or a punny name is a demon I swear.

So that is why I'm forced to stand behind this idiot and watch these two idiots speak about idiot things. I wish I were with Shin instead.

"Look at them, doing absolutely nothing! Damn it, do something incriminating, you hellspawn hussy!" I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words. Surprising how THAT got his attention.

"What the hell's so funny?"

Is he seriously asking me that? "I've never heard a boy call someone a hussy before. It sounds worse when you say it." I laugh in my hand. I laugh even harder at his scrunched up expression. "You're so lame Daku-senpai."

"Grrr, we're the same age! And you should know by now that laughter isn't an actual emotion, just the demon's connecting misery to joy! Don't you READ, Tekina!?!" He opens a book to a random page, which makes me laugh even harder.

"What's so funny this time!?!"

"The book... you're holding it upside down! Hahahahaha!" I point at his "genius" face! "Oh how the mighty have fallen! Fallen upside down, that is!" Even though it wasn't that funny I'm still in stitches seeing Daku trying to turn his lame book around.

"Shut up Tekina! It's not my fault, you just distracted me from sharing education!"

I put my hands on my hips. "Oh? Did I now? If I'm distracting you so much then, maybe I shouldn't be here?" On a roof with literally nothing happening?

He angrily tries to figure out a way to counter this, but I know I've got him beat. So I wave him a fuck off finger and go...

... that is until he grabs me.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now