The best advice- giver

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Daku's POV

My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love is deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.

So beautiful. Everytime I read this one line I become so motivated. Higaku's lost his mind if he thinks that he's getting the lead role. The guy doesn't know a thing about romance!

I, however, am perfect for the role of Romeo. I have just the right amount of passion, intelligence, and connection to be Romeo. And after I take the hand of my Juliet on stage, Shin will know that he is no match for the love that Kokona and I have! Er... I mean Kizana.

Flipping through the book I start practicing again. "O what light through yonder poser window breaks!" I say eloquently, but apparently not to my other classmates. One of Budo Masuta's wannabe heroes through a crumpled up paper at my head, and I suppose a simple "keep it down!" wasn't enough.

"Grr... what was that for!?!" I say to wannabe #1.

"That's the eighth time you've repeated that same stupid line with the same stupid accent. Nobody wants to hear your lame acting!" The wannabe says (AKA Juku Ren.)

Like I was going to take this! "Maybe if you had at least one brain cell, you would be smart enough to shut up and let me practice!" The nerve of that bastard. He wouldn't be so smug if his master were here. "Now if you don't mind, I have some reading to catch up on." I go back to my reading. What an ignorant-


"Ow, damn it! If your going to throw things, at least make it something worth my time, like a book of acting pointers!" I yell at him. He and his martial arts buddies laugh at me- they always do. Idiots.

"Hey dark boy, this one's going right at your head!" He throws another one. I'm prepared to catch it easily now that it's in my sight, but before I raise my hand, Tekina comes out of nowhere and grabs it! How on Earth did he-

"Stop throwing things at Atsu-sensei, or I'm going to tell Budo what the martial arts club is doing to their students." Atsu-sensei?

"Come on man, it's not like- wait, how did you even catch that-"

"I said enough." He crushes the paper. Ren seems to get the idea and backs off. Even I am a little intimidated by him...

"I didn't ask for your help." I tell him.

"...I know..." he responds. That's it? No comeback or comparison to his "beloved Shinpai?" "I just... hate bullies." He tells me.

"But you bully Supana all the time!"

"... who cares."

Sigh, I guess there isn't anything wrong with him. But I can't help but wonder what that look in his eye is. He's feeling something, I just don't know what.

"Is there a reason why you're staring at me?" I was staring, wasn't I?

"No, but I think there should be. Are you alright Tekina?"

He looks away. "What do you care?"

"Maybe I'm in a good mood today after being in Kokona-senpai's lovely presence. This is the best you're going to have me." I answer. If Chojo were smart he would shut up and accept my hand of friendship.

Why is he staring at me now?

"Uh, don't you mean Kizana-senpai"


"Whoops, silly me! Clumsy Daku, always getting everyone's name wrong! I meant to say Kizana of course, just an honest mistake, really!" My lying skills were impeccable.

Why is he still staring?

"You don't make mistakes like that. You're... smart enough to know a pretty girl's name." He gets closer to me- should I yell for him to keep his distance?

"But you don't care for her name. You just care for her face, right Atsu-sensei?" He smirks.

He's so close that I feel like I can see his breath. Damn his smug sense of righteousness. No- wait, he's not right at all. I love Koko- er, Kizana! Just because Chojo Tekina doesn't know a thing about love doesn't mean that I have to conform to his beliefs!

"Get out of my face! You don't know anything about true love! Which doesn't surprise me due to your choice of men..." I smirk. "Having a Shinpai who thinks you're crazy isn't the ideal way to spend a life."

I look down, crossing my arms. What the hell is so appealing about Shin Higaku? There is something obviously wrong with him yet everyone just brushes him off! If they knew the monster he truly was, then-

W-why is Chojo crying?

I grab his shoulders and shake him (that always calms a person down!) "T- Tekina, stop that! Don't cry for no reason!"

When I stop he looks at me and says- "I don't know what to do..."

About what?

"About what? Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll just get over it. The only times you ever seem to get sad is when Higaku enters the picture..."

"... I take it back."


"You are dense, Atsu-chan."

And we're back to Atsu-chan. But at least he's smiling if that does any good.

"It is Shinpai-... Shin. He doesn't love me, and now I'm starting to think he never will and..." he looks down. "Maybe it's for the best. I just have to learn to... accept it." He says with a smile. I learned a long time ago that smiling can't stop the tears from falling.

I'm angry. He's shedding tears for that bastard? Chojo may not be the most pleasant guy (like me!) but he doesn't deserve to waste his time with that jerk! Stupid fool doesn't even realize how much he loves him.

... Maybe I'm just being empathetic. It's never a good feeling to feel unloved. So I muster up a smile.

"Hey, forget about him. Shin doesn't deserve a guy like you!"

"A guy like me? So you're saying I'm bad...?" Damn it Tekina, learn to take a compliment!

"I mean that sometimes people aren't worth loving. If Shin's too much of an idiot to love you, then find someone else who will!" I tell him. Maybe I'm not the best at advice after all...

"... it's hard... he means so much to me... I can't just let him go... but if he'll never love me... then I have to support him." He smiles again. Phew, I am the best advice- giver!

"Thank you."

"Well, we are comrades."

"No, we're friends. Just like Shin said we are." Ugh, why did he remind me of that embarrassment?

He grabbed my book. "I'll help you practice." He opens it to a random page- "Aaaand begin!

Sigh. Oh well. At least I can practice now.

And for once, I don't mind Tekina being here.

"By the way... did you hear what happened to Yuna and Koharu?"

An unnecessary cliffhanger! I'll update soon...

Sorry this is just filler and barely any crazy stuff happened. But it wont be long for another update!

See ya next time~

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now