A rose by any other name is still Taro Yamada

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Shin's POV

"Calm down Taro, you don't have to worry so much." I say pressing the phone to my ear. It feels like he's speaking inside of my heart.

"Y-yeah, but still. I can't help it Shin! Whenever I think about it, I just have to-"

"Taro, buddy. Too much stress can lead to premature balding, and I don't want to see Saitama on opening night. Just... get some rest."

I hear him sigh. Oh God bless. "Okay Shin. I'll try to calm down. ...Thanks."

"You know, we can spend the night together if you want to." I close my eyes and remember that beautiful night. "Just like that one time in the first book..."

"W-what? How is a sleepover going to help me not freak out about your audition? You'll keep me up all night!"

I touch my nose. Is that-... is that blood!?!

"It'll be fine. I can- (sniff, damn nose!)- show you the result of my wonderful training in the art of Shakespeare!" I raise a mighty fist that Taro thankfullt doesn't see. If Budo saw me, he'd be so proud.

I hear him sigh again, but not of relief. "Classic Shin... okay. Let's do it."

I widen my eyes- Higaku, you've struck gold. I get to spend another night with Taro? Maybe God doesn't hate me after all! "Sure! Let's do that. I'll be over soon-"

"I'll be over in a just a sec. I'll see ya Shin." CLICK, he hangs up. No, no, no, no, no!

Without thinking I run to my basement. Hopefully I can get there just in time to dispose of-

"Where the hell do you think your going!?!" My mother's voice is not what I wanted to hear today, and I definitely didn't want her grabbing me on the arm like that!

"Get off! I have to get rid of-"


"You little bastard! You know you're not allowed in the basement ever again!"

My vision blackens but the only thing I hear is Mom's heavy, angry breathing over my off thoughts. I feel her grab me again,and my vision comes back, except now, the person standing in front of me isn't my mother.

The person standing in front of me is... dead.

"Stop calling me by my first name, you freak!"

YoU'rE SUpOsSeD tO bE DEaD!

I reach out my arms and grab her slender neck. Impulse and anger are now my spirit guides, so tell me oh spirits. Why. Won't. She. Stay. Dead!?!

It's funny how it took you this long to notice me! I love the way your eyes look like they're bulging out of your head. Yes, eyes come closer. Come closer and know who I am!

"This wouldn't have happened if you had just noticed me, OSANA!"

... wait... Osana is dead... then... who am I...

I blink.

...... "Mom? Mom! Wh- what happened!?! No... no! I promised that I would never..."

I cringe at that memory.

"D-don't worry mom. I'll take care of you. For now, let's- let's get you back together with dad, okay?"

I pick her body up and feel her neck move. "Still breathing. Good. But we have to hurry and get you to bed. I'm having company soon, and I don't want him to see our family secrets, okay? Just a few more steps." It's times like this when I like that mom is so underweight- it makes this so much easier for a small guy like me to carry her upstairs.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now