Is this how it feels to be popular?

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Shin's POV


Ugh, alarm shut up. Why did I set this thing up when I'm not even sleeping?

"Really, Mr. Higaku? Up all night reading what idiots say on the internet again? Try to get a hobby or something."

"I think I'd prefer the sound of my alarm over the voice that comes out of the mouth you don't have." I counter. The stupid demon's been sitting there making catty remarks all night when some people have important research to do. "And researching forum fights is a hobby, but you wouldn't understand the importance of club research, so stop wasting my time with your lame jokes." I say with a click of the mouse.

"Hm. Researching. In my time, a thing like this was called "spectating". Humanity sure has disevolved then." He chuckles with the mouth he doesn't have.

"Wait, you used to be human?" I ask. "I just assumed you were Satan's side project."

"Oh that was so funny. Don't you have a school to get to? It's no fun to look through your things when you're around."

I sigh and lifelessly get out of my chair. I'm so tired, but I guess that's my own fault. Why is the internet so damn interesting?

I don't have time to take a shower so I check to see if I smell before dousing myself with body spray. I think my bags got deeper, and my hair's still a mess too, so I guess I'm ready for my day.

Grillby's holding my Occult book and mindlessly flipping through the pages. "Give me that, you'll burn the pages!" I fan the flames off my now somewhat scorched book and get away from him as fast as humanly possible.

Demons. You have them in you, you have them in your bed. Wait, did that sound dirty?

"Yes it did, Mr. Higaku!"

Ugh. Gotta fix my mind...

"Mom! I'm going to school! Make sure Dad eats properly, okay?" I don't wait for her response because I know by now that she'll either yell at me or not say anything at all, so I just leave.

Man I'm hungry. Breakfast would be great right n- Mmph!

"Good morning Vice President." Chojo smiles and takes the spoon out of my mouth. "Goomoring." I mumble back.

"Please chew your food Shinpai." He orders. It's meat and what I think to be potatoes, but the last part is a mystery. A delicious mystery. "Mmh, thank you Chojo, I needed that." I take the bowl.

"Of course you did. Those late nights can really take a toll on your health." He says.

"Wait, how did you know that I was- why should I even bother asking." I glare at him but he just smiles wider. "Let's just go."

"It's alright Shinpai, I stay awake at night until I get dark eyes too, so we could be matching together."

"I said let's go!" I leave him and he trails behind me. "By the way, what were you freaking out about last week? Did something happen?"

The second I ask he freezes up. His face looks like he's been shot, and his body looks as still as a statue. "Chojo? Are you alright?" My god, did I break him? "Chojo? Chojo!" Maybe there's a ritual I can do to fix him. "Don't worry Chojo, just give me a couple of minutes to-"

Someone touches my shoulder and it's not Taro.

"Hey, Higaku! Nice morning for a walk, isn't it?" Budo takes a deep breath and raises his hands to the sky. "Just smell that fresh cherry blossom air..." I would care if Chojo wasn't frozen!

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now