Roses in the air

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Shin's POV

"Attention Akademites. The Occult club is now accepting new members. If anyone wants to join the Occult club please accept the applications on the table next to me. Thank you all and have a nice day." I hand my megaphone to Chojo and sigh. "That was horrible..."

Daku slams his hand on the table dramatically- "That has to be the only semi-intelligent sentence you've said all day! With your half-assed recruiting skills, I seriously wonder how this club can expand at all!" Just the thing to lift my spirits- Daku's tsundereness. Chojo pats me on the back. "I thought you were fantastic~" he says softly. His slow pats turn into a series of back rubs which also turn into a long neck rub. Uncomfortable doesn't even begin what I'm feeling. Ugh... "That's enough Chojo." I take my hands off me.

The sign next to us wasn't particularly fancy, but hey, Chojo's talented at the art of coloring pencils.  JOIN THE OCCULT CLUB may sound forceful, but nobody could up with anything better. Supana thought adding PLEASE at the end would make it better, but Chojo called that a terrible idea (along with virtually all of her ideas.)

Daku sighs. "The atmosphere reeks of death at this school. If anyone would have listened to me, then you'd understand that nobody wants to be around death right now."

Daku's wrong; I was listening. But personally, I can't comprehend the sadness that comes with death. It's not like everyone in school was close to Amai or Musume, so all of this grieving seems unnecessary. You should grieve over someone special to you, not just every random good person- the world will never progress like that. Which is why I still insisted that we still look for recruits today.

"Quit questioning Shin's decisions! Now shut up and fanservice!" Chojo yells at him.

"I'll say this again, Chojo. Stripping doesn't get club members. We'll be giving them the wrong impression of us."

"Sweet Shinpai, that's where you're wrong. I would love to join a club advertising a shirtless Shin! But... I guess we have to make due with him."

"And what, dare I ask, is wrong with me!?!"

Chojo shrugs. "Well, you're no Shinpai..."

"Watch what you say Tekina..." Daku growls. A group of girls rush by us. "Hey, wait a sec!" I call out.

Just my luck. Koharu Hinata.

"What do you want?" She spat at me. Watch what you say, Hinata...

"We were wondering if you lovely women would like to join the Occult club. Trust me, we're not as spooky as you think." He says winking his visible eye.

"That's... not what you say about an Occult club..." Chojo says quietly.

From her body language. I can tell she's going to get satisfaction in whatever she's going to say next. "Hmph. Why would we want to join some sad strawberry knocking Occult club when Kizana-senpai needs help with the school play?" she scoffs. Why is 'hmph' universal for bitchiness? And who's Kizana?

Her friend grabs her arm and tells her that they need to get going, which she nods to and runs off. I tried asking her who Kizana was but she just ignored me and kept going. I started to notice a trend of students running in that direction.

"Maybe we should investigate." Chojo suggests. I nod my head; "It's just some stupid play. We should focus on what we're doing now." It is just some stupid play after all. Unless they're performing the play version of Yanvania, then I'm not interested.

"Are you sure you want to do this Taro?" ...Who said my best friend's name? "I mean she didn't really force you or anything." On the other end of the hallway is Haruto and Sota, and Taro's holding a script. I hadn't seen him since class ended. What has he been up to? No.

He scratches the back of his head. "Well, she seemed pretty nice. I guess I'll give it a chance for her after all." Her? Who the hell is her!?!

"We should investigate." I state firmly. "Come on." I follow behind Taro and his acquaintances without barely making the sound.of a footstep- Daku and Chojo better not make any either. I'm getting sick of Taro being so distant towards me- grieving is such an annoying thing to do.

But trust me, I'm not mad, really. I just want to remind Taro that best friends do everything together.

"Hm. What an ugly doorsign."  JOIN THE DRAMA CLUB! it says. (Seriously?)

Opening the door was like entering a door to some kind of pompous, classy world. A beautiful violin piece accompanied by contemporary piano made the atmosphere so calming. This place is the definition of theater.

"Oh, would you look at that. There are more "lovely" servants for my play." said a very pompous voice coming down the steps to the stage. "If you boys want to volunteer, you're going to have to give me star effort. Think you can handle it?"

Roses in the air replaced our usual cherry blossom scent as I locked eyes with a familiar face. "K-...K..."

"KOKONA!?!" Daku screamed loud enough to make a damn echo. Nice going Atsu-chan. I hope Taro isn't staring...

"Excuse me! How dare you mistake me for someone else! Someone ought to teach you some class, little boy." Not only am I sure that we are the same age, but that Daku should have yelled "Osana" when he had the chance. She stepped from the stage holding a rose- the students are in complete awe of her beauty (which can easily be mistaken from haughtiness). "Allow me to introduce. Kizana Sunobu; Akademi High's senior actress. You'll look forward to seeing me on stage." She smiles. Everyone- and I mean everyone- claps at this girl's arrogance.

An Osana/ Kokona hybrid. Great.

"You've gotten it all wrong. We were just here to-"

"To what? Harass Kizana-senpai? Why don't you just stick to your dumb demons and stuff?" Koharu interrupts. "They're here to mess up the play just because no one wants to join their stupid Occult club!" Wow, that earned a lot of whispers.

"N-no, that's not true at all! We were here to- to help out! As an act of courtesy from President Oka!" I take both of my comrades heads and force them to bow. "Just go with it."  I whispered

"Hmm..." Kizana cocks her head. "I suppose we could use some extras. Let's see if we have anything good for you, Vice President." She knows who I am? Maybe I'm improving? She raises a hand- "Now, where is my Romeo? There he is." She sways off the stage... and straight to Taro Yamada.


She wraps her arms around him seductively. In return Taro gave me a sheepish smile.

"Uh, hey Shin. I guess I'm in the play." Behind him read a banner that clearly read Romeo and Juliet. I felt like screaming.

But as always, I felt like laughing. A new challenger has approached me. What am I going to do with her...?

-u- rival #3! Can't wait to write this~

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now