It's only natural that I get the lead role

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Shin's POV

Mornings don't usually go so well for me. I have the best dreams about Taro and I don't want to be interrupted by the natural feeling of being well rested. At the same time, I'm also eager to live out my reality of being his friend. My sadness just morphs into something better every day, even today when the smell of blood lingers in my nose.

Why do people bleed so much?

"Oh my god! Shin, wake up!" Taro's voice in this morning. Aaah... "Oh my god, oh my god! I said this would happen!" I shut my eyes tighter. What's he so worked up about?

Oh my god.

I practically catapult myself off my little makeshift bed in the living room. (What? You didn't think I was going to let Taro Yamada see my room, did you?)

"Taro I swear, I don't know how they got in my basement! I thought I got rid of the evidence, and-"

He cocks his head. "What? Shin, we're late for school. The audition!" He wraps up his covers. "Ugh, where are my school clothes?"

"Um... maybe they're... in heaven?"

"This isn't funny Shin! You're going to be late. We need to hurry! Damn... I didn't pack my uniform! Why didn't I- Shin, can I borrow your uniform?"

"Oh! Yeah... let me just go upstairs and get it." I couldn't resist putting a hand to my face as I walked up the steps. Taro Yamada and I... twinning. Ugh, I hate that word- Musume would love using that word. But we'll be matching in style just like our friendship! Too bad the uniforms all look alike. I'll just add a little bit of Higaku flair.

Now let's see here- ah, spare uniform. The second Taro gets his scents onto this, I'll wear it every day! Oh sweet uniform, soon you'll be perfect~

"Shin, hurry! We need to get going now!" I hear him yell.

"Sorry!" I shouldn't keep him waiting. "Here, put this on!" 14.2 seconds, way too long to keep Taro waiting!

He takes the uniform- "Thanks. I'll be right back." He goes into the downstairs bathroom to change- unfortunately- and leaves me alone. Sigh, why did the night have to end?


Sigh, I know who's on the other side.

"Look Masuta- senpai, I don't want a personal trainer, so stop coming by to-"

"...?" Oh. It's Chojo.

I kinda feel embarrassed, and I rub my hand behind my head. "Oh, good morning Chojo. Sorry, Budo's been coming by a lot." You need to work that body to cleanse your mind! He said every day after school.

Chojo doesn't make any sort of facial reaction, yet he says "Oh. Do you want me to deal with him?" He raises a knife-like what's with this guy and stealing my knives!?!

"No no, it's fine! Masuta- senpai was just worried. There's no need to hurt anyone. And put that away, Taro's here and he doesn't need to see anyone holding weapons right now." I take the knife from him. "How do you even steal my things anyway..." I sigh.

I go to put the knife back, but Chojo surprises me by giving me a hug from behind. "Shinpai, can we walk to school together? Just the two of us?" He rubs his head into my back, making me flail my arms.

"No Chojo, not today! I have to walk to school with Taro and prepare for my-"

Chojo lets me go. "Hehe. I know. I was just kidding." He smiled innocently. Was he really? "I actually came here to check up on him. And you."

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now