I didn't expect this...

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Daku's POV

The four of us have to stand outside like idiots while Shin and our president decide whether or not that Yamada and Ayano should be allowed to join. What a ridiculous idea- of course they should be allowed! Or at least one of them. The one that's not Yamada, if possible.

"You know, Shin's only keeping us out here just to insult our intelligence. Oka would have let us voice our opinion about these "new recruits" and let us have a say." I tell the others, but- like always!- they don't listen to me!

"Ugh, I bet Shin's gonna let that girl in! Why doesn't he ever listen to me sometimes?" Supana's definitely in despair about this, but that's what you get with a president like Shin!

"He's... doing his best. No matter what, he's our Vice President, and we should respect his wishes." Shut up Tekina.

I bet Supana's thinking the same. "Whatever. I still don't trust her." She crosses her arms like it'll make a difference and pouts. It always bothered me how people think reactive body language could make a difference. Just say how you feel instead of pouting about it.

"Hey, Tekina. What do you mean by "doing his best"?" He tenses up when I speak to him. "He's not choosing which one them lives or dies."

"Oh... well... um... mmmh..." I can't make out what he's saying or even see him speak due to his refusal to look me in the eye. "God damn it Tekina, your superior is speaking to you!"

"You're not his superior!" Supana FINALLY stands up for what she believes in! "You're just some loud mouthed jerk!"

I am absolutely dumbfounded. Me- a jerk!?! "Me- a jerk!?!"

Nevertheless, I straighten my emotions before they get the better of me again.

"Due to your lack of intelligence and my general dislike of you, I have no choice but to interpret your words as filth coming out of your mouth." I push up my glasses. "As per usual, you have nothing smart to say, so you shouldn't say any at all."

I win.

I think. No, I definitely did!

"Ugh, you are so god damn full of yourself! You think you're so smart just because you jack off to your so-called brilliance, and the stupid truth is that you're no better than the rest of us!"

What did she say?

"Do you want to repeat that?"

"I said, Daku Atsu, that you SUCK!"

I couldn't stop myself from feeling this way. I couldn't stop it before. That emotion- rage. I lunged to grab her one eyed face and tear it out of her skull, but my hand was already taken by another's.

"T-Tekina? What on earth are you-"

But before I finish that he spins me around and tilts me like some weird hallway waltz! I think a spotlight would be fitting for this situation...

"You're an idiot." He whispers, looking me dead in the eyes.

The door slid opened with Higaku standing before us- arrogant prick. What's he staring at?

"Uh, am I interrupting something?" He tilts his head.

"No, you're not- damn it Chojo, let me go!"

"You have... talent..." He and I struggle for Higaku and the other's "amusement"- so THIS is what my talents are good for, huh!?!


Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now