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Shin's POV

My smile hasn't disappeared and I don't think it will die down anytime soon. My at-first reluctant company still stay seated near myself, so I try to act like a good host despite nearly dying of laughter a couple of minutes ago. They look a little off. Confused, maybe? "I don't think I've made myself a good host to you two. Daku, would you allow me to get you something to eat?" I ask nicely (I even bow a little to show my manners). "Uh- uh huh..." he pushes up his glasses and faces away from me.

"Shinpaiii, can I have something to eat too?" Chojo asks sweetly. It's so cute how he sounds like a child all of a sudden!

"Sure Chojo, anything you like~" I answer with a slight purr in my voice. Can you believe that I was actually repulsed by his behavior earlier? He was just trying to show his affection after all, so I should try to be nicer to him- that's what I want if I were him.

Wait a second! One of the neighbors had brought over an extra lemon cake from her bachelorette party for Mother, and I don't think she's even touched it yet! Oh well, I bet she won't even it's gone then.

"I hope you two like cake~!" And with that I disappear into my kitchen.

Daku's POV

I hope you two like cake?

Shin Higaku had just asked us if we like cake right after he passes out from laughing, after we had come back from some sort of Hell, after the three of us had died. SO with that in mind- Daku, you deserve to to wonder... WHAT THE F-

"Mmmhmhm... I wonder what kind of cake it is..." Tekina's mumbling to himself about cake as well. Does he really not care about the madness of this current situation? "Haaa, I bet it's the lemon cake his neighbor gave his mom... yummy~" Useless. His glossy eyes tell me that his mind is elsewhere.

Higaku comes back in with... cake of course. "I hope you guys also like lemon~!" His smile looks so genuine, but his appearance is so generically gloomy that it's very off putting! I wish for him to stop feeling happy! Tekina's glossy eyes are now firmly planted on Shin the second he had walked back in- "Lemon cake? Of course! My favorite, as long as you give it to me."

I had half a mind to decline this treat but he had already leaned forward to pass me a plate. "For you, Atsu-chan." Atsu-chan!?! "And for you, Chojo Tekina, desert and a perfect view." He smirks. When I turned my head to the side I saw that he was perfectly bent over in front of Chojo while handing me my food.

"S-S-S-Shinpai! You're an angel!"

I swallow my spit. "I don't want it anymore."

He cocks his head to the side. "My bad. You don't like lemon?" I nearly laugh at this accusation. I merely don't like seeing shameless lewd acts with my deserts. But I nod my head 'no' and spare him my words.

"That's okay. More for us then, right?" He splits my cake in half with a fork and holds a small piece to Chojo's mouth. "Open wide..." Obediently he opens his mouth and allows Shin to feed him.

There's a sinking feeling in my chest, like something's going to happen, but we're all just sitting here eating cake! Do these two not notice the elephant in the room? Do I have to point out everything!?!

"So, our first sacrifice to the demons'll be Musume Ronshaku. What do you guys think?" How can he make such a bold statement about murdering someone!

"I agree. I knew you wanted you her dead anyways. You're so easy to read when you're being followed." He agrees with it as well!?!

Wait a moment. The same girl that Yan-chan wants dead? What could he have against her?

"Ah, so you were stalking me?"

"Stalking sounds ugly! Let's just say I was watching out for you, me Shinpai~" he strokes his cheek.

"How nice of you to say. Shall I call you Chojohai?"

"Ch-Chojohai? Yes, that's always been my dream for you to say that to me! I'm so grateful!"

Those two are the same age!

"So I guess we're in agreement then? What do you think, Atsu-chan?"

"You never refer to me as that ever! And why the hell are you acting like some happy ray of sunshine!?! This is insane! Do you not remember what just happened? I killed you- both of you! And now we're enjoying a casual lunch of lemon cake!?!"

"Yes. Would you like some of mine?"

He's so aggravating.

"I understand your confusion. I'm just trying to be nice to my new friends." My eye twitches. "New friends?"

"Of course! You two seemed to be very interested in me lately, so why would I be a good host when situations bond us together? Chojo seems to appreciate my hospitality." he smiles, glancing at Chojo's hazy eyes. "You two have pretty impressive skills I saw earlier. I just can't believe that I've been blessed with two other friends who are just like me!"


"How dare you make such an accusation. We are nothing alike. Not you, Chojo-"

"Chojohai." He corrects.

"We three-" I point to all three of us. -"are nothing alike in any way!" I yell. And you know what he does?

He laughs at me.

"What, what are you laughing at now, damn it!?!" I'm infuriated with his behavior!

"Nothing, my friend." He emphasizes the word "friend" to my disgust. "But now is the time to talk strategy, right?"

I shifted in my seat. "Fine then."

"Don't look like that, Daku. It won't take long because I already have a plan." He finishes his last bite of cake. "And all the both of you have to do is listen."

"Aaah, do tell my love~"

I nod my head,but it pains me to see him taking charge of us three. However, if there's anyone who deserves to take the fall for the crime, it would be ideal to have him arrested rather than us. I can't place what he's done to Chojo,(perhaps demonic possession of his free will?) but this entire situation is horribly obscure. We have to kill ten people to appease demons, and Higaku is more interested in friendship rather than the horrors we have to endure soon?

Me, I am driven by love. Love, an unstoppable force! Yan-chan wants Musume to die so this won't a tragic loss.

Hm, I wonder. What drives Shin Higaku to kill?

Shin's POV

This is so great! I have two new friends to keep me company!

Make no mistake, they don't come close to Taro, but it's nice to feel less alone in the world. Oka and the other girls in the club made me feel more connected to normality, but I had always had to lie to them about my hobbies (well, we all like demon summoning, but we all don't like smelling Taro Yamada's socks every night before bed.)

But don't worry my friends. I'll make sure to cherish you two. Maybe... maybe almost as much as Taro?

Chojo's POV

Ah, Chojohai...

Thanks for reading the chapter~
I kind of ship Shin and Chojo...
Taro will appear next chapter my friends.
See ya soon~

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now