So, it's all out in the open.

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Shin's POV


God, could I be more obvious!?! Stupid Shin, Stupid Shin! What part of "fit it" do you not understand!?!

The 'fitting in' part!?! Obviously!

What I told Taro was the truth though- I do wish I knew what was bothering him. He was fine yesterday- or so I thought. Maybe something's been eating my dear Taro for a while now- and where was I, his friend, his knight in shining blue bangs to rescue the saddened princess he calls a heart? Taro my love, if you couldn't tell me what's the matter, then how can I save you from your eternal dragon?

Now I know what it feels like to be-

"CHOJO!" I scream. "You startled me. Where did you come from?"

Chojo looks at me, observing. He looks up, and he looks down. And then, feeling a bit puzzled, he asks, "What are you doing in the supply closet?"

I feel a little embarrassed, even though it's just Chojo seeing me like this. I guess fitting in isn't just in my schedule today. "I um, was just uh, organizing the... mops?"

Stupid Shin.

Chojo continues to stare at me. I rub my arm behind my head- "Look, I came in here to think and, well, it's kind of hard to... hm?" I trail off as Chojo steps in the tight closet with me and shuts the door, standing next to me.

"...This feels nice. It feels like we're sharing a coffin." He says blissfully. I smile- that's my Chojo.

But the relaxing feeling disappears when the door opens again.

"What are you two doing in here!?! Club is about to start and we have many things to discuss!" And THAT'S my Daku.

"Eh, sorry Daku, but we were just- uh, what were we doing?" I asked.

"Practicing our eternal sleep." Chojo answers.

"No, that's not it. That's definitely not it."

"W-what?" I can hear the hurt in his voice.

Before I notice him grabbing our collars, he pulls us towards him. "The only thing you two should be practicing is how to successfully pull off a demon ritual! But I guess Mr. Unholy Higaku himself would know all about-"

I slam my hand over his mouth. "What are you doing? Why would you say that out loud?" Why isn't he answering me? Oh, I'm covering his mouth.

Stupid Shin.

"Get off me!" he spits. "And excuse me for stating the obvious. It's not like anyone would actually believe us if we had claimed to have seen demons, right?"

"You have a point, but I don't want to be called a crazy person by the entire population of the school!" I argue back. My reputation at Akademi High isn't particularly high, so I am not by any means popular. Sure I was the "witness" of the death of 4 students, but death comes and go. We should all move on someday, right? My fellow classmates don't hold my misfortunes over my head, and they don't try to act like anything's different all of the time. I don't need to be called a "crazy demon guy" just because I talk to demons. Allegedly.

"But you do converse with them!" he yells at me.

"Allegedly!" I yell back.

"...Shin..." he tugs on my sleeve and I ignore it.

"What are you saying, that I'm a monster for accepting the demon's powers? What are you then? We're all in the same boat, you know! I didn't make you say yes to them!" God, he can be so infuriating! Chojo keeps tugging on my sleeve and I continue to ignore his pleas for attention.

"Because of you I'm in this mess! I killed you so you wouldn't do it again! You killed Kokona!"

"That's enough!" I yell.

"Shin!" he grabs my arm and I shake him off, and he falls to the ground.

"Get off!" I say as he falls. He looks pretty hurt- not physically, but emotionally. I don't care.

"So this is what it's all about. You think I killed Kokona?" I smirk. He nods his head. "I know you did."

"Hm... Daku. We're friends, right?" I take a couple of steps around him. He doesn't let down his guard for a second. "Friendships mean there are no secrets, but it's so funny how we end up managing to keep secrets just to protect those we love." I laugh a little. "Maybe you're right, and I am a monster. Or my mother's right, and I am an abomination." Daku raises an eyebrow, but he doesn't speak.

I rub my forehead. "I was right to call you the smart one. Because you're right." I finally say. "I killed Kokona."

To say that the look on Daku's face is priceless is an understatement. The combination of horror, revelation, and disgust now rested on Daku Atsu's head, and I thought it's spot would be taken by anger instead. But that came shortly after.

"You... YOU!!!" He charged at me with the knife he always conceals. This school is really needs metal detectors. Attempting to kill me in public? Bad idea. Attempting to kill me in front of Chojo Tekina? You just spat in God's face.

Chojo immediately grabbed Daku's hand before his blade connected to me. Both of them were equally enraged, like two bulls charging at each other. To think that all I wanted was some peace of mind just now. I should have known.

I can never be at peace.

"You're upset." I smiled at Daku.

"You're damn right I'm upset! I'm such a fool... I should have taken you out sooner!"

"You already took me out, remember? It didn't work. Like how it's not working for you now." I smirked. Chojo managed to turn him around and slam him against the wall holding his arm around his back. "You've been training." I say to Chojo. He used to not be able to take him down like this.

"Conjoined souls, the demon said. You do realize that if you kill me, we all die, right? Or are you willing to take that risk?" I lean in toward his face which hasn't calmed down yet. "I wish it were that easy with the other girls. Osana. Saki. But if it makes you feel better, Kokona was just collateral damage. My real target was Osana, but Kokona and Saki had tried to ruin my reputation with him." I backed away from him. He looked stunned now.

"If you want the full story, read the first story." I joked. "But seriously, if you want me to be an open book for you, I'll be an open book if you want. So which story do you want to hear? The one where I was born to a happy family, only to be shattered by the actions of my father? Or the one when I had first met a demon? That one always scared small children." I giggled, remembering the times I went to school claiming to have seen a demon as a child. Of course no one believed me, until I proved it. But nowadays, I'd rather my demonic powers be a secret.

"I'm not letting anyone know my secret. I can't let anyone know and survive. They might tell him, and I won't let that happen. The only reason you're alive is because I have to keep you alive, and the feeling's mutual for you too. So I can't let this little "friendship" of ours die, not just yet. But..."

I stepped out of his sight. "You still have to be punished for trying to kill your friend. So, what should I do with you?"


Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin