He needs me.

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Shin's POV

Romeo and Juliet. The classic Shakespearean play about two star crossed lovers in the middle of a rivalry between their families, hoping that their love can survive through all of that unnecessary chaos. And boy, was it unnecessary.

"How romantic~ I always loved this story!" I hear Koharu say. "Kizana-senpai is perfect for Juliet too. This play will be the best thing that happened to this school in a while." Her other friends keep talking about love and hope and passion, and all of it makes me cringe internally. That kind of talk killed Romeo and Juliet, you know!

But I sigh instead if yell at them. "What does Shakespeare know about love anyway..." I whisper to myself and continue painting, because the great and glorious Kizana-senpai believed it would be a good idea to waste the Occult Club's talents on painting backgrounds for this ignorant play. I wonder how she'd react to me painting the sky green. (I think Midori will like it that way.)

"What do you think you're doing!?!" Speak of the Devil. Not Midori, but Kizana, still looking haughty despite being clearly pissed off. Several Drama club fanatics stand behind her like a gang of delinquents, making me question appropriate clique behavior.

I sigh. "Yes, what is it...?" She points at the black covered paintbrush in my hand. "Are you stupid? That clearly isn't the right color for the sky! Do you want to make me look bad on opening night?" Oh Kizana...

I sigh again. "No, I guess..." I wish I didn't have to lie so much sometimes. 

"Oh really? Because I sure as hell don't see it. I don't need you or your weird friends making this play any worse, so do your job and you'll be fine, got it?"

I nod my head. "Good." she says and leaves me back to my painting.

Picking up the right paintbrush I turn not my head to look at her bossing around Daku, and he seems like he's enjoying it... weird. It's too bad that this is the closest he'll ever get to speaking to Kokona again.

But aside from that, what confuses me is this- WHAT DO PEOPLE SEE IN HER? That question keeps buzzing through my mind like some personal mind bee- Buzz buzz Shin, what does anyone see in her? Buzz, buzz, buzz...

I may have inhaled too many paint fumes. Might as well take a break, it's not like anyone cares. (I sure as hell don't.)

But I do care about Taro and where he is right now. I quickly scanned the room and he's leaning by the wall and looking over the script. He looks so mature when he studies like that.

Wait, I could go ask him to help him study his lines! What kind of best friend am I to not think of that .39 seconds ago? I should go ask him right now!

I walk up to him but he doesn't notice me. "H-hey, Taro, do you want to-"

"Aha, there you are, Senpai. I was wondering where you were hiding from me~" Kizana suddenly appears out of nowhere! Damn she's fast.

"Oh, hi Kizana. I was just-"

"Oh Senpai, I was just wondering... if you could help me run a few lines? I happen to be particularly stuck on the ending, and I think it would be much better to practice it with another factor, don't you think?" She smirks. I get back up- I have to get Taro's attention away from that snobby bitch!

But when I get up, there's already an enormous crowd of people around her- damn it! Taro, I'm over here! Can't you sense me? And don't these people have anything better to do then obsess over this one girl!?!

I try to dig through everyone to get to him. Get... out... of... my... way... before I set you all on fire...

"Hey, watch it!"

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now