We have demons to pray to

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Shin's POV

The senseless arguing of idiots on internet forums keep me going for another day. BlueSoul44 always makes the arguing more interesting in the final round. But after two hours of this I feel like I should get ready to meet Oka and the others. I think I should have got some sleep, because my dark eyes has gotten even worse (and at this point I didn't think it was possible anymore!) So I check my messy hair and find some clothes to wear- pajamas aren't gonna cut it.

I have to make sure everything goes by without a problem tonight. If anything happens, then-


The door! Right, I was supposed to walk with Chojo to Akademi High tonight. (How did I forget my own rules?) I yell out "I'm coming!" and break for the door struggling to put on my shoes.

I told my mom I was leaving tonight and she freaked out, as per usual. I'm running out of tranquilizers, so I might as well get steal some tonight from the nurse's office.


"I'm coming!" Geez Chojo, can't you wait? But to be honest I can't either. Being with Taro under the cold moonlight doing "spooky things", and holding him when he gets too scared. (Or me when I pretend to be scared.) Aaah, time couldn't go any slower when I'm away from him.


Chojo, I said I'm coming! Can't you wait-

Cold unfeeling eyes are in front in me. "Hello, Vice President."

"Hello, Ayano." Does anyone else feel tense? I don't. I could ask what she's doing here, but that's too obvious- it's too bad that I don't feel like dying tonight. "Are... you going to go with me to the seance?" Her cold eyes didn't get any warmer.

"Yes." She simply answers. So, playing the innocent card huh? Pretending that nothing's wrong only works when I do it. So let's just see how she likes a little push.

"What happened to Chojo? He was supposed to be here with me?"

"Right. Chojo... he and I switched partners." Switched partners? Chojo would never switch partners with you! Or anybody! He's been very clear about wanting my affection, so why would he switch with you?

I didn't want to okay this game anymore so I let down my facade. "What did you do with Chojo?" If anything happened to him, I'll-

"Chojo is fine. Why would you say something like that?"

She's pissing me off.

So I don't try to play around. "Look, we both know why you're here. And I don't mean just here- I mean the Occult club too." I cross my arms. "Tell me Ayano Aishi, does my best friend interest you that much? Because I think we're going to have a problem if you keep pushing me."

... no reaction. Just words.

"We already do." Finally. Finally you stop lying to me. Show me who you really are!


"What are you doing here?" We both turned our heads to see my best friend looking at us.


"S-senpai..." don't call him that bitch!

"I said what are you doing here? Why are you at Shin's house this late?" Why is Taro so angry? It's like he's a completely different person! (But still a perfect person~)

"I... um..." she can barely speak, but if Taro spoke to me like that I would probably kill myself. I mean cry. Yeah, I'd just cry. I think.

"I said I didn't want to walk with Shin! So why are you here? Didn't you get the message earlier?"

T-T-T... T-T-T!!!

Taro wanted to walk with me!??

"I'm... I'm sorry... it's just..."

Taro wanted to go with me. Taro wanted to be with me!

"Just what? I told you to walk with Chojo! Why are you always around Shin anyway? Do you two have SOMETHING going on?" And now he's looking at me!!! But he looks mad. No, wait! It's not what you think!

"No, we don't have anything! Ayano was just here to um... well she just kind of showed up and..." crap. How do I explain this?

He grabs my arm. "So those cooking lessons were nothing? And her suddenly joining the Occult club is nothing too? Shin, if you're involved with her, you have to tell me!" He's shaking me now...

In my blurry vision I see my hysterical best friend trying to shake answers out of me. I feel like I'm going to pass out from all of this contact, but I have to stay awake and enjoy the ride! All I can say is-

"No. Taro, I'd never keep something like that to you. Remember?" Feeling brave I grab his cheek which calms him down.

"Oh Shin..." he mumbled. Hearing my name from his mouth is like candy. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

I put his head on my shoulders and stroke his back. "Ssh. It's okay." When I look to see her reaction, she's gone. "Now c'mon. We have demons to pray to!" I flash my biggest smile, and hope that he smiles back too- and he does.

My little broken Taro regains his sanity as we walk to the school. This night just gave a lot more hope...

What the hell's that noise? Oh. How do I not recognize my cellphone still?

You're welcome. Chojo. I can see him through the trees. You sly little matchmaker.

Even after earlier today he still tries to be a good Chojohai...

"Chojo! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Um... I was going to give them back... is was the pair you don't normally wear anyway..."

"I'm not talking about... whatever you're talking about! I'm talking about Oka! Why didn't you tell me that she... she has a crush on..." I couldn't finish.

Chojo's eyes widened- "Oh. You... didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't know!"

"But Shinpai, it was pretty obvious."

I sigh. "We should tell Daku about the change of plans tonight. Our target for the seance isn't Ayano Aishi after all." Damn it...

"Shinpai, are you suggesting that we-"

I glare at him." You got a problem with it?"

"N-no, I would do anything to make you happy. But are you okay... with the target?"

Am I?

"Of course I am. Nobody's getting in the way of my friendship. Tell Daku about the target isn't Ayano anymore. He'll be more or less pleased I guess." I attempt to walk away but Chojo stops me and stares at me. After a couple of seconds he nods and leaves.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. I hear they look beautiful at night.

Chojo's POV

I hate listening to her cry because she reminds me of myself.

"What has happened to my Senpai?"

I could ask the same thing.

Sorry but this is filler i guess. The next chapter is gonna decide Oka's fate. Live or die? You'll find out!

See ya next time!

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now