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Shin's POV

Good morning Taro... 's picture! You're almost as nice as the real thing, except I can't touch, smell or taste you.

But that gives me an idea. Maybe I'll just sneak into his room and lay in his chest all night, sniffing my beloved Taro Yamada like my own scented stuffy! Oh, I hope I'm lucky enough to lick him...! Father time, can't you go any faster? I want to be with Taro now!

I plop into my pillow and wait- not like there's anything better to do then hope for the future. "Hmm... Yamada..." I can't sleep. I'm can't stop thinking him!

Lately our relationship has gotten ten times better than before! And... and those sweet nothings he said light night!

"I'm always fine with you by my side, Shin."

Mmmh! Tossing and turning in my bed has to make to go faster, right!?! Wrong! It's only been a minute!

Where's my Occult book? There has to be a spell in here somewhat that can speed up time! Come on, come on!

I'm flipping pages like crazy when a small piece of paper falls out. "Hm? What's this?" I say to nobody in particular.

It's a note with little black writing on it. With all of my time being taken up by Taro and demons I didn't have time to reorganize my notes. For all I know the information is outdated anyway.

This note has my name on it. But why would I write my own name on a note to myself? I must have a worse memory than I thought.

You want him, but not the same way I want him. And that makes you an obstacle. Get out of my way, and I won't have to spill any blood.

... Creepy note. You're going in the garbage. Time chant... time time... I know you're in here somewhere. I just have to find you.

And then Taro and I'll have more than just a picture to love!

Maybe it's in my drawer; I'm always leaving my notebook trash there. Hm? Another... note?

He doesn't have a choice. You don't have a choice either.

Ugh, what's with the annoying creepy notes? You're going... in... the garbage!

I crumpled it and tossed it in my wastebasket- well, almost tossed it in my wastebasket. I'm not so good at basketball after getting humiliated by a dead girl with a phone. But that's the past, and the trash on my floor is the present, and my mom doesn't like a dirty floor.

God, a note on my wastebasket too? A spooky note scenario is not what I need right now!

Every smile you take is a smile stolen from me. I'll make you never smile again.

Oh my god.


I found my time spell! Oh thank you Inability to Keep Things Organized!

... damn. I can't use it anyways. It says I have to sacrifice the time of myself to make it work, meaning I'd have to lose 8 hours of my life to speed up time 8 hours. I can't lose time in order to best friends with Taro forever. I guess this is going in the trash as well.

Damn it. I guess I'll have to just wait this out.


I close my closet door and ask who it is, but there's no reply. "Oh, it's just you mom." And it is, hunched over with a knife in her hand. "Thanks for knocking this time. Did you need something?"

The something she needed was a stab to my shoulder, but she wasn't able to connect due to Chojo grabbing her arm.

"You shouldn't harm your children." He pulls out a rag and stuffs it in front of her nose. She's swinging the knife around so desperately to kill me, but it's no use; out like a light. "He's only trying to protect you..." he whispers to her unconscious body.

I sigh, but not in relief or sadness. "Chojo, what did I say about sneaking in my house?" There's no sign of embarrassment on his face. I kind of envy that about him.

"I can't risk letting you die. Since our souls are combined and all. Your mother is a serious risk, so I guess you're gonna have to deal with me." He's smiling really hard at this fact...

I look at my mother slumped to the ground, and stare at her peaceful face. I wish she could stay like this, calm and relaxed, forever. She should join Dad in bed.

As I'm picking her up, Chojo doesn't take his eyes off me. "I'm fine Chojo. You should check up on Daku instead." I tell him. Maybe then I can focus on a loophole for my time spell.

"I don't know where he lives." He answers.

"Did you check his school records?"

"I stole them... but the address led to an empty lot."

An empty lot? What does Daku have to hide? Doesn't he have parents or something?

"Shin... I have a note." He shows me the note his his hand.

You're nothing but a placeholder, and so is he.

Another one... "Chojo, do you know who left these notes? I found three of them in my room, but I thought I wrote them." I wanna kick myself for how stupid that realization is! But it's a good thing Chojo doesn't hate my quirks.

"...Ayano Aishi."

"How do you know it was her?"

"... a hunch..." Chojo looks away. A rush of panic flows through me after realizing that Ayano Aishi was in my house. She was in my house when I wasn't here! She probably saw my parents!

Just to leave me creepy notes!?!

"Well, then I guess I'll have to find a way to punish our newest member. Thanks. I need to finish up in here." But Chojo doesn't move. I sigh again. "Do you want to spend the night Chojo?"

He didn't respond, just smiled and helped my carry my mother.


Finally, it's morning! Chojo was right, tranquilizing me is a great way to sleep! Now I can begin my Taro filled morning with-

"Shinpai look out!"


Out of nowhere someone just ran into me at the speed of light! I look at the pile of papers on the ground and scream. "Aaah, my notes!" My private Taro notes!

Last night I made a list of things Taro and I could do together, and now they're everywhere! Nobody should know my secrets!

"Gaaah, I'm sorry! Oh man, I knew I shouldn't have taken a different route!" The girl stands up and lifts me up too (even thought my papers are still everywhere). Still holding my hand, she feels my arm up and down. "Huh, such weak muscles..."

I shake her off- "What are you doing?"

"Trying to see if you got what it takes for next week's sports meet. Everyone in school needs to be in great shape, so you should give the gym as soon as possible!" She gives a thumbs up despite low key insulting me.

"Uh... thank you?" Is all I say before she checks her watch. "Crap, I'm gonna be late for early practice! Gotta go, sorry about the spill!" Aaaand she's gone.

"Hey! What about my-" Chojo taps me on the shoulder, presenting my organized notes. I sigh- again. "Thank you. We should get going."

"...Shinpai...why did female Budo run into you like that?"

"I don't know Chojo, but she's no one. Just forget about her." We say nothing for the rest of the walk to school, not even about the Yandere girl following us.

-u- thanks for reading~

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now