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Daku's POV

An endless sea of idiots flock to Higaku one by one asking him for meaningless hangouts and hi- fives. Am I the only one remembering that we should be in mourning!?! Sometimes I swear I'm the only sane human being left.

Well, back to my duties. Rearrange the bookshelf, he said. You complain when I do it, he said. Well I do complain, but doesn't mean I want to take over his grunt work. And at least I have a couple moments of solitude- just me, myself, and Chojo who thinks he's sneaky.

"What are you doing Tekina?" Something metal drops and clangs, and I think Tekina's trying to get his shit together. "H-how did you know I was there?" He asks nervously.

"I didn't. I just assume you'd try to get revenge on me, so I assumed that everyone behind me is you. And like always. I was right." And the twisted look on his face makes calling 7 people "Tekina" worth it!

"Nrgh, you're a jerk Atsu-sensei! I was going to cut my name in your skin and brand you as my own!"

I turn around and face the psycho. "And what would THAT accomplish?"

He rubs his shoulders and doesn't return my eye contact. "So I could brand you... like you branded me..." He keeps darting his back and forth but avoids eye contact still. Did I manage strike fear in this weirdo? I mean, I am pretty fearful after all, but I killed him before, and he wasn't this nervous!

"Branded you?" I ask.

"Y-yeah, you know, when you-"

"You mean when I did this?" I plant another one on his lips.


"YOU'RE A JERK ATSU-SENSEI!!!" He screams and runs out of the clubroom. Don't mess with the best Tekina! Hmph!

Uh... how long was Kokuma Jutsu here? Doesn't matter. "YOU SAW NOTHING!" But she doesn't say anything back, she just, well, smiles-, no, she's smirking! "DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK WHEN NOTHING HAPPENED!"

If she keeps smiling like that, we're going to have be here for a while. She won't understand that it's for my revenge and nothing else!

Never will I EVER admit to LIKING kissing Tekina that way!


Shin's POV

"Good morning." I say for the fifteenth time today. Everyone's so usually cherry this morning. Am I the only one remembering that we should be in mourning? But Kizana wasn't something to exactly miss, so I guess this is justified. Or at least, the only way to explain everyone's behavior.

Someone's running towards me. Please be Taro, please be Taro, please be-

"SHINPAI!!!" Nope. Chojo. "I nominate Daku Atsu-sensei as our next victim. You agree too? So it's decided." He's speaking so fast! He hides his face in my chest like a scared little kid. I don't know why, but I'm stroking his hair. Comfort, I guess.

"Uh are you okay?" I ask knowing the answer.

"YES!!!" He screams into me. My shirt's wet. Is he crying?

I pull him off me and stare at his wet face. "Chojo, what happened? Did someone hurt you?" He quivers his lip at the question. "It's alright, just tell me who did it. I promise they won't get away with it." I sincerely mean this. Chojo is my friend, and nobody hurts my friends! (Except me!)

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now