Dead pool

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Shin's POV

Tug of war was getting intense; our side was on the brink of losing while Midori's team looked determined to bring us to the ground. Isn't it cheating to have the entire Martial Arts club backing her up!?!

"Come on Occult club team, you got this! TEAMWORK, TEAMWORK!" Budo's cheering has done nothing but distract me worse than the back of Taro's head. The rest of us were pulling as hard as we could, but the Martial artists were beating us to the punch. Taro turned to look at me for a brief second, urging me to hold on with his eyes. I close my own and silently cast a spell, and multiple arms sprouting from the ground and yank the rope towards us.

Midori's team goes flying as the hands disappear before anyone notices, and the headmaster raises a flag for us. "Point! Occult club!"

Everyone starts cheering, and I feel like Student #1. Many positives sounds are being thrown in the air.

"You go Occult Club!"

"Awesome work Higaku!"

"Yo is that the guy from the play? He like,rocks!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Shinpai Shinpai!"

I breathe in the admiration of my fellow Akademites and breathe out my old status of being unrecognizable. I sync my breathing with Taro's who's panting up a storm, and he laughs when he notices me copying him.

"Hah, what're you doing?" He asks with a smile. His fingers poke at my face and sends tingles through me.

I cross my arms. "Just... supporting my best friend." But please don't stop touching me.

"Heh. Uh? Oh." His voice drops to an almost monotonous pitch. "Masuta-senpai." Budo and his clone named Asu traipse before us with congratulatory grins on their faces. Budo is the first to speak- "Well done Team! With that win, we're already ahead in the competition!"

He reaches out to pat me on the head, something he does normally when he wants something. I saw him eyeing the lunch Chojo made me earlier, so the mystery just solved itself.

Midway to my face, Taro grabs his hand and pushes it back to him, saying nothing. He nudges me and sends more tingles. "We should go eat before the next event starts. Kay?"

His smile is so cute! I decide to copy it. "Kay!" I say, sticking my tongue out for added cuteness.- which works because Taro grabs my arm and pulls me away~ I don't know where to, but who cares! Yamada and I are on an adventure~!

Daku's POV

"Wait comrades, the competition's over for... today." I don't think I've ever seen Budo Masuta defeated like this. Looks like Yamada is delving into Higaku-madness as well. So strange that someone who was once an unnoticed figure by most has become a positive figure of the school with .76 positive reputation! But what am I and Tekina? His stupid lackeys, those two guys who always hang around him!

Grr... I need more blood. Where the hell did Tekina stash my water bottle? Somebody nearly made the mistake of thinking it was an energy drink!

I think I saw him retreat to the back school area. Nothing's back there but the incinerator, unless he has some more skeletons in the closet...

"I told you, I had nothing to do with it."

Huh? That voice...

I follow my moves, and sneak around, being careful not to make a sound as I spy on Chojo... surrounded by a bunch of delinquents!

"Cut the shit, Chojo! You know what happened to our queen! And you're not gonna avoid us this time!" The one with the dandy pompadour raises his bat at Chojo's face, who doesn't even move at the possibility of getting knocked out. Those delinquents have a reputation of being brutal, after all. "So I'm only gonna ask you this one more time! What did you do to Musume?"

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang