Broken pencils

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Shin's POV

I hate this teacher.

Ever since she had transferred here, she always seems to single me out of a crowd. She asks me to answer a question more than anyone else, and she always asks me to explain my answer when she seemed to be okay with everyone else's one word answer. I appeared to get in trouble here than my other classes, and I never knew why when they seemed trivial. Test day was a rest from her Shin hunt.

Class seemed to drone on and on. The teacher had decided to make the history test exceptionally boring and unchallenging. Or maybe I'm smart after all. I don't know. The only thing on my mind is the multitude of ways I could end Musume Ronshaku's. Drowning? Electrocution? Blackmail her into suicide? All of those sound wonderfully twisted. Hm, maybe I could twist her limbs so tight they'll fall off? I should write that down.

Sitting in front of me is Taro like always. When I'm lucky, I can catch some of his hairs falling off the back of his head. If I'm really lucky, I can reach over and cut it while nobody's looking. But if I'm extremely lucky, I sneak into his house and do it. Funny, we were having a conversation last week about how he doesn't understand how his hair is always naturally trimmed.

What pisses me off is the skank right next to him. I don't take my eyes of Musume for a moment. I catch everytime she sneaks a glance at my Taro, and I break my pencils for each time her eyes stray over to his face. Crack, crack, crack. The pile of broken pencils become obvious to the other students around me, but I ignore their stares and instead focus on the 54th time that Musume Ronshaku sneaks another peak. He asks me why I buy so many pencils. I say I want to be prepared.

What can I say? They're stress relief pencils.

Someone touches my shoulder- disgusting. Chojo Tekina pokes me and points to the pile of pencils on the ground. We can't talk during the test, so I just assume he wants one and pass the writable half to him. "Thanks..." he whispers before going back to his test. Wait. Why would he ask me for a pencil when he already has a pen?

"You may now submit your tests." The teacher says. Crap, I didn't finish. Oh well. One bad grade isn't the end of the world. I hand my test to the teacher right after Taro does, but her face tells me that our business isn't done.

"Mr. Higaku, you didn't answer a single question. Unfortunately, you have to retake it tomorrow." she tells me. I nod in agreement. "I don't think you seem to understand how important your education is. Think about your future. Your grades aren't going to turn into A's themselves..." Blah, blah, blah. It's just one bad grade.  Thankfully, Chojo interrupts her by turning in his test, allowing me enough time to escape.

I left as quick as I could only to see Musume and Taro chatting it up outside of the classroom. WHAT. As if that bitch already had enough time with him today, now she steals precious seconds of my Taro time? What a horrible person who needs to die.

I can't hear exactly what they're saying, but there's a lot of hand movement from Musume, like she's excited about something. They don't notice me standing a couple of feet away from them, and for once, I'm glad they don't.

"Like, thanks for like, you know, tutoring me this morning. I like, aced that crap because of you!" she basically shrieks.

"No problem Musume, it's nothing. I'm glad you've improved." my friendly loving beautiful fantastic bEsT fRiENd Taro Yamada tells her.

She wraps her arm around his arm- "OMG, you have got to eat with my friends. They will totally be like, so jealous that I'm hanging out with like, a genius!" My body temperature heats up. Musume Ronshaku. Do NOT touch my best friend.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now