Don't lie to me.

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Shin's POV

I am jealous. I am jealous of my parents, my friends, and Amai Odayaka, the girl who had been seated next to Taro all afternoon. After everyone had left, I felt an immediate sting of emotion presenting itself in the form of a quiet wilting breeze throughout my body, blurring my vision and making me feel like I need air immediately. I had to sit down, sit down and think. What has happened in my life? Why does opportunity plop itself on my doorstep and refuses to leave until I give it hospitality and kindness?

As I sink my body in my father's favorite chair, two hands rub my neck in an attempt to calm me. Chojo leans his head close to my ear, and I feel his breath. "Shinpai, I've taken care of your parents for you. Is there anything else you need?" he says sweetly, though I don't appreciate his generosity today. My mind is on her right now, and I can't shake her away.

"Good," I answer, shaking my head and trying to focus, "They should be out all night then. I made sure to fill them with an extrmely heavy dosage." I respond. Normally I use tranquilizers to help my mother and father go to sleep at night only, but with them being home all of the time, I couldn't risk either of them making noise today. I had Chojo tranq them again for a good night's sleep. They should be out for another eight hours, at most ten. Mom is going to have a lot of complaints when she wakes up, but I'll deal with that in the morning.

Chojo releases his hands off my neck and skips around in front of me. He bends over and grabs my face, forcing me to look him in the eyes. I mean, uh, eye. "You look troubled, my love. Is it something I did? Do you want to... punish me?" he smirks.

"No, it's just, well... I don't know." I can't think of the right wording for it; how can I explain to Chojo that I want an innocent (by other's perspection) person dead? Musume was a bitch and a snob, but Amai Odayaka seems to be as sweet as the cake she made us today, which I am embarrassed to say was absolutely delicious.

So why would any normal person want her gone?

Still, Chojo stares at me, trying to assess me or something. I smile and try to wave him off. "It's just nothing, Chojo. How about we go laugh at some CreepyPasta about ghosts and try to... um..." I trail off. Chojo is still looking at me with such burning intent, and I feel a little intimidated.

"Chojo? Are you listening to me?"

"Hm..." he releases me, closing his eyes for a brief second, then stares at the ground. "You know, I wish I knew what you were thinking."

Huh? Where did that come from?

"If I knew what you were always thinking about, then I would know how to always make you feel better." he tells me.

I sigh. "I already told you, I'm fine. Let's just do something else until Daku gets here." I turn around to head upstairs when suddenly I feel a sharp sting on my cheek. "Ow." What the... I touch my face and I feel small droplets of blood drip out of a thin lined scar. I feel ridiculous when I just now notice a knife sticking out of my (newly cracked) wall.

"Uh... Chojo?"


"Why did you throw a knife at me?"

"... I didn't. That was just a warning shot."

W-warning shot?

"Don't ever lie to me. That is your only warning." His voice sounds so cold that I'm shivering. Or maybe it's because I'm scared out of my mind.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about." I laugh a little. "I already told you, everything's-"

"You're doing it again." he growls. "LyInG tO Me." he walks past me and pulls the knife out of the wall. He doesn't apologize for the (newly acquired) hole in the wall, but instead he points the knife directly at me. "Any you're not allowed to LIE to Me."

N-Not allowed?

"I gave you one warning. Tell. Me. What's. The. MATTER."

He cares so much.

"Ch- Chojohai, easy now," perhaps his favorite nickname will calm him the fuck down? "You've got it all wrong. I'm trying to tell you that I'm fi- wait, what are you doing? Chojo? Chojo listen to me. Just put the knife down. Put the knife down! Chojo? CHOJO? CHO- AAAAH!!!




Daku's POV

The morning air is overflowing with cherry blossoms riding through the wind, and happy friends make their way to school. I, on the other hand, was walking with our so-called Vice President, who in turn looked like he had been drained of all of his blood- and reason to live. He walks like a zombie with his head facing at the ground, and his eyes stare like a dead fish. A corpse would have more emotion than him.

"Uh, Higaku, is there something...bothering you today?"

"...oh. Daku, hi. I didn't notice you there."

"What! I've been next to you since we BEGAN this stupid walk! You're the one who told us that we should always walk to school together from now on!"

"...right... I did."

I sigh. Whatever happened to him isn't pulling a stop to my plans- Shin Higaku must die. After we fulfill our promises to the dark lords, he must die.

A third person walks up to us, one who I assume to be Chojo, and rustles his messy hair. "Good morning Shin. You had a couple of loose hairs. Don't worry- I fixed it." said that Taro Yamada character. Strangely, Higaku seems to gain back all of his will to live.

"I always have loose hairs." he joked. "It's a little thing I don't do called 'brushing my hair'. You should try it sometime." he smiled.

Bastard. Faking his emotions is the lowest form of a human being- if he were even human.

"Pfft, you wish! Anyways, I wanted to tell you something, but I kind of hoped you'd be alone, so, can I tell you at lunch?" I notice Shin's facial expression darken as Yamada spoke, like he was disappointed about something.

"Oh... okay. Sure." his smile seems forced.

"Okay. I'll see you at lunch." he waves him off, leaving me with a now disgruntled Vice President.

"...let's go." he sternly says. This person will always be a mystery to me. His drastic mood swings are completely random! (He stares ahead at Taro Yamada as we walk) Or so I thought...

Unfortunately, his personality shifts back to 'zombie' when Tekina appears out of nowhere and latches around his arm like a girl on a first date.

"Let's walk to school together, my love." he grins. It looks like he has no choice but to comply. (It doesn't take a genius -like me!- to know that Tekina was behind his strange behavior, but to change so drastically was a new concept I've never found in my 'research' of Shin, but only newly discovered with my last visit to his house.

I should keep an eye out for Yamada too. I feel as though he's a factor in the equation of Shin's mentality. Somehow.

I am sooooooooooooo sorry for not updating! My internet problems have been really bad, and my stories won't save chapters right now!
But it shall not stop me! I will continue to update thy fanfiction whenever I can! (OK, sorry for being really dramatic)
I truly am sorry for not updating anything sooner. For those of you still reading, thanks a bunch. The story isn't over,not by a long shot! But I'll try to fix... whatever so I can save things while I'm offline. (I don't know why it doesn't work, I just don't know.)

To make up for this, I'm thinking of writing other fanfictions. Maybe one shots, or maybe Yandere-kun? Either way, i will try my best to impress.
Thank you for reading Yandere Shin (with Chojo and Daku!) And as always, see you next time!

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now