I want my Shinpai back. By Tekina-kun.

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I lost my Shinpai. I want him back. Where could he have gone?

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Haruto: ...No, I haven't seen him.
Okay. Thank you anyway.
Haruto:(The fuck's a Shinpai?)

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Kuu Dere:No. I haven't seen any Shinpais anywhere.
Okay. Thank you anyway.

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Shin:(Obviously hiding behind Supana)
Supana:Of course not! Why would I know where he is? He's probably avoiding you or something! Don't waste my time! Hmph.
...okay. Thank you anyway.

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Budo:No, but I have seen your physique. Do you exercise regularly? It keeps you big and strong like me!
You're not all that...

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Oka:S-senpai? I think I may have saw him by the fountain...
(I don't care. That is not my Shinpai!) ...Thank you anyway.

Have you seen my Shinpai?
Shin's mother:... Get out. (Slams door)
...(Sigh) Thank you anyway.

It's no use. Shinpai is lost for good. I'll never find him. What am I gonna do...
Daku:What are earth are you doing on the ground?
I'm sad because I've lost Shinpai! I've looked everywhere for him.
Daku:When is the last time you saw him?
Well, he was on the ground, crouching behind Supana, and-


(angrily running and panting)

You! You stole my Shinpai!( Points knife at Supana)
Supana:Wait, no, it's not like that! Wait! Stop, NO! AAAAAAAAAAAH!

Daku's POV

"Tekina! You are not allowed to sleep behind the curtains. Wake up this instant!"

"Is something wrong?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Chojo's asleep! Just look at him!"

"Hm... he must be having a good dream. Look at him smile."

"He-uh, he does look... peaceful. I'll leave him be. For now."

"Hehe. Sweet dreams, Chojo."


(Leaning next to Shin, both of us bloody)

I love you, Shinpai.
Shin: There's so much blood.
I love you more, Shinpai.


Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now