Renewed emotions

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Shin's POV

I woke up in my bed.

Sitting up straight, I instinctively looked around my room for signs of possible disturbances from outside forces. My room is my sanctuary and it's going to stay that way, with everything intact- especially the shrine to the wonderful Taro Yamada. I'm supposed to be in school, but luckily now is lunchtime, which unfortunately also means that Taro is probably wondering where I am at the moment. No, he's probably eating lunch with her instead. I tighten my fist.

I am the one for Taro Yamada. He doesn't need anyone else but me. As long as his best friend is here, he doesn't need anyone else. EVER. That sounds fair.


Someone's at the door. Exiting my room, I make my way to the door to tell whichever neighbor it is that my mother isn't home and my father is resting. Before doing so, I turn the corner and peek into his room to make sure that he is indeed resting. And resting he is. But what else can he do with his time? Jog? Do a handstand? Sing? All he can do is lie there and accept punishment. I peek around the corner. "Dad," I start. He reacts when I speak, moving his head around a little in my direction. "There's someone at the door. If it is a neighbor, don't make a sound."

He starts grunting, but I don't know what he's trying to tell me. I step closer to him, turning his body around so he wouldn't get another bedsore. He reacts negatively and shakes when I touch him. "Relax dad, I'm just flipping you over." I tell him, but still he panics. I keep tranquilizers hidden underneath the floorboards of my parent's room away from my mother's knowledge. (After all, it's the only way I can get her to go to sleep with him in the same bad). I make a quick jab at his neck and he's off to a relaxing sleep.

I close the door and race to the front door. I think whoever was here must be gone by now, but it can't hurt to check. I open the door- "H-hello, who may I ask is-" But instead of finishing, my face pulled into a long frown.

"Of course. You two. As expected." I tell Daku and Chojo.

"Make yourselves at home." I tell the both of them. We're in my living room, yet there doesn't seem to be much living at the moment. Right now I'm sitting comfortably on my couch while Daku and Chojo keep investigating my house, although for very different reasons.

Daku brushes the dust off of some of my family's books. "Your house has an air of gloom. Do you know that, Higaku?" he asks me. I shrug in response. That's not a good conversation starter after we all had just stopped being, you know, dead. Chojo isn't any better; he picks up completely random objects in my living room and eyes them for a couple of seconds before focusing on something else. He grabs a pillow from the couch and eyes it like before, but this time he pushes the pillow up to his face, inhaling deep.

"...What are you doing?" I ask. The top of his face pops above the pillow to look at me. "This pillow... it smells like you." he says in his normal voice, the one that's not horribly crazed and psychopathic. He even smiles a little at his comment. I can't help but make a face at him.


The sound of Daku slamming my family's dictionary shut surprised both Chojo and I. He pushed up his glasses- "Well Higaku, I may not be the Vice President of the Occult club, but I am positive that an explanation is in order." He firmly tells me. "I didn't come here to visit for tea and cookies, Shin Higaku. I came here to demand answers. From you!" He dramatically points at me.


I smile. "Pfft," I cover my mouth but it's no use. I laugh in his face.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY!?! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS FUNNY!" he screams at me, but his righteous attitude makes me crack up even more. Chojo stares at me, um, losing my shit....? Daku grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now