Hide and Fall

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Shin's POV

There's something about the school rooftop which makes a lot of people want to eat here for some reason. I admit, The view of the cherry blossom trees is pretty nice,but sharing this view with Taro is what makes this lunch enjoyable.

Even if I have some unwanted guests.

Putting his arm around me, Budo tries to sneak off with my food again. "No," Taro slaps his hand. "You gotta stop trying to steal Shin's food all of the time, Budo." Sigh, isn't our friendship grand? I would kill for Taro, and he would slap someone's hand for me. I knew we deserved to be together.

Budo puts on a pouty face. "Come on, Shin doesn't mind, don't you Shin?" He still has his arm around me.

"No. I don't mind." I tell the truth. "I'm actually pretty full on cake."

"Cake?" Taro asks. "You went home to eat cake?" When I had came back to school Taro had asked me where I was, but I neglected to tell him the 'cake' part, but only that I was hanging out with my fellow club members. "Yeah, it was lemon." I told them.

Musume scoffed. "Lemon cake is gross."

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I said. I might as well be nice to her before she dies today.

That's right. Musume Ronshaku dies today.

Everything is planned for her early demise. The location of her death, how it happens, and even someone to blame. The perks of Daku's resourcefulness and Chojo's undying loyalty comes into action today. All have to do is sit here and distract the others- of course Daku complained about my small role in the plan, but once I explained to them how Taro and the others would feel weirded out by their presence, he reluctantly agreed.

And now, all I have to do is wait-

Budo Masuta is noogying my head. "Ow, stop it Budo..."

Taro laughs. "You two are so cute together."

That's not funny.


Chojo's POV


My phone beeps. A text?

i know you r watching us right now but i need u to b focused chojohai.

Shinpai~! Okay, I won't mess up. I won't let my Shinpai down!

Hiding behind a wall on the school rooftop, I can't shake Budo's arm around Shinpai. No Chojo, be focused. Shin is counting on you.

Don't mess up.


Shin's POV

"I have an idea. Why don't we play hide and seek on the roof?" I suggest.

"Hide and seek?" says Taro.

"YES! Hide and seek is a perfect blend of stealth and intelligence!" Budo says, pumped as ever.

Musume crosses her arms. "It's too bad you don't have any intelligence."

Budo pouts again. "That was uncalled for..."

I clap my hands. "So it's decided. We're all playing hide and seek. How about we all hide and Musume counts?" I look in her direction, but she shakes her head no. "No way! I want to hide. Preferably with someone~" she purrs in Taro's direction and he looks away. I'm going to enjoy seeing her dead body.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now