Why did it have to be you!?!

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Shin's POV

Oka and I spent the rest of the morning rearranging the bookshelf, Daku's one job. I think I may have impressed her by telling her the difference between Paranormalcy and Paranormal Activities of the undead, or, I've just been talking like a moron for 10 minutes. Oka seems... well, distracted is the best way to put it. I want to say "off" or "strange", but her mind seems to be focused in other places.

She's reaching for the wrong books we need for tonight. I grab the book from her hand and replace it with this right one. She looks a little embarrassed but everyone makes mistakes. "Is something on your mind Oka? You don't normally mistake Dr. Seuss for Modern Occultism." I point to the book's title.

If she wasn't embarrassed before, well she sure is now. She's mumbling something and putting her hands over her face. I gently grab them and pull them away.

"There's no need to hide, Ms. President. If something's on your mind, you can always tell me." I whisper. Seeing her like this is so relatable, so I know just how to treat her- with kindness and understanding, just like Taro treated me.

Speaking of which, our newest member seems to be very interested in a certain book of his. I wonder what it's about? Either way, I don't like the way Ayano looks at him from that distance. Way too close.

But I'm drawn back to Oka's bashful face. "Um... we shouldn't talk about this here. Not with... him here."

I'm confused. "Him? Who's him?" Well, she can't be talking about Taro since there's nothing wrong with him, so my best guess is Daku. I wouldn't want to have a discussion about The Occult with him around either.

"We can step out if you like. Please, you can tell me anything." I let go of her hands but I don't release my smile.

"Oh... kay... just please, don't tell anyone, not even the other club members. Okay?"

All of this secrecy is making me nervous, but I agree anyway. Just what are you trying to hide from me, dear President?


Both Oka and I turn to gaze at Taro who doesn't make noise anymore when he appears behind someone. "Sorry, are you busy? I kind of wanted to talk to you."

"M-m-me? Um... I..." Oka stutters.

"You wanted to talk to me? Of course! Anything, you name it!" Ugh, why do I sound so eager!?! I AM eager, I just don't want him to know what!

"Well, um, I wanted to talk to-"


"Damn it Tekina, be more careful with the artifacts of the damned!"

"Please don't shove me then..."

Sometimes I feel like the only sane man in a sea of monkeys. Or maybe I'm the monkey. You have to be pretty crazy to think of a sea of monkeys. I envy Taro for keeping his personal feelings inside about our club's more eccentric members.

"Gee Shin, you really have your hands full huh..." Oh no, he looks sad again. Did something bother him? Oh Taro, why can't I know what's going on in your head? I wish there was some way to connect our minds so we could be one. I gotta resist smiling to those thoughts.

Remember Shin, gotta stay normal.

"Yeah. Chojo and Daku are good members, but I'm really happy to have you here. We needed more people, and this is a great way for us to spend more time together." Aaah, stop staring into his eyes! "Welcome to the club Yamanator."

"Don't stick your tongue out like that, it's a bad omen!" Taro fake complains. Or does he mean it? I'll stop, just in case. "Your tongue might put a curse on me one day!"

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now