It shall be done.

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Chojo's POV

It's dark. Why is it so dark!?! Where is my idol of admiration? Where am I exactly?

...I'm naked. Wh-why am I naked?

"Hmhmhm, because I like you best when you're naked, Chojokins~"

Oh god. Her.

"I don't like being naked." I tell her directly. Being a perverse demon of lust and affection, I knew that it wouldn't matter how much I had voiced my opinion. She never cared before in the past, so why should she care now?

"mmmmWhy?" she purred. "You shouldn't keep that body away from the world. Especially not for that, 'Shin', you're always talking about..."

I took a step towards her.

"Yes, come to me, my lover <3" she winks.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend when he's not here." I warn her.

"BOYFRIEND!?!" she cackled.

"Yes. We had sex." I stated. Oh I still remember that sweet body grinding we did... so hot.

"Aaah, Chojo give me more!" I remember him saying.

Stupid demon doesn't know what true love is. She stares my body up and down, something she can see in this brutal darkness.

"Well, in relation to your (giggle) 'boyfriend', (hehehe) there's no way for you to ever see him again."

She's lying.

"You're lying!" I accuse.

"Sorry cutie. I guess you're stuck with me then." she gloats. "Don't worry, I'm much better company than your precious 'Shinpai' anyway. Does Shin have perfect breasts like these?" Before I can answer, she shoves them in my face.

Ugh! I push her away and she starts to cackle again. "My Shin would never be that bold, even if he did have breasts! And if he did, I would love him anyways because he's Shin. I. Love. Shin. And that's final! Now will you take me to him you whore of a hellspawn!?!"

I can't take it. I can't take being away from him! I am NOT facing an eternity like this!

"Hmph. Well if you must know, there is a way for you to see him, dirtymouth." she huffs.

"Tell me." I demand.

"I'll tell you... only if you kiss me, lover <3" she smirks.

"No." I say flatly.

"Well, no wonder your 'Shinpai' doesn't notice you. You never take any risks, you know."

Yeah, like bringing a dead person back to life isn't one.

"If it were up to me, you would never EVER see your blue haired baby ever again. But, lucky you, it's not up to me to withhold you from him. So I'm going to need you to listen up." She stepped behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"In order to see your 'Shinpai' again...."

Daku's POV

"YOU... WILL...OFFER...ME... 10..."

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now