I've been keeping this... secret

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Shin's POV

"Shinpai, don't overstretch like that." Chojo grabs my arms and force me to straighten them as if I were on a diving board. "Your body has to be more limber, like this~"

I groan a "thank you", but I'd feel more appreciative if he wasn't rubbing his face into my back. I ignore him in favor of Taro who had just gotten finished with his stretching. Unfortunately for me, that means the show's over. Fortunately for me, he's coming my way! Oh Taro, I'm so glad we're on the same team!

Taro looks like he's about to say something- something about how I'm the most important person in his life and that he wants to run away with me- or, he just wants to say hi. "Shin, how are-"

At the speed of light, Daku interjects him, pointing a finger to his perfect nose. "Hold up Yamada! You didn't stretch anywhere near as close as the 1000 stretch cycles I instructed." Chojo groans behind me. "What's wrong with that idiot now?"

"He's just abusing his power." I tell him.

"Do you want me to stop him?"

"No. Taro does need to stretch more." I feel my face turning into a 13 year old at her first tanning salon- not because of Taro's body but because of Chojo stretching my arms out. "Ugh, not- me- Chojo- I'm- fine!"

He drops my arms making my upper half droop to the ground. "If you say so..."

Sighing has become a second nature to me at this point. It's all I can do to cope with the crazy parts of my life. One day I'm reading an internet forum, and the next I'm letting a girl burn to her death. And now a girl that I barely know let me be her co-captain on Akademi sports week. But at least I still have you, best friend Taro...

Asu Rito jogs back to us with some people- one who I didn't expect. "Co-captain! Meet the newest members of our team! Budo and Ayano!" I didn't think about Ayano joining the team. I don't think about her at all actually! She's so miniscule to my life, miniscule to Taro's life, miniscule to the club, and probably a... small... help to the team. And what the hell is Budo doing on this team too? Why doesn't he just use his Martial Arts club?

"You're probably wondering why I'm not with the Martial Arts club." Budo stretches his arm behind his head.

"Uh, yeah." I respond.

"As a dutiful member of this school, it's my responsibility to lend to help motivate some of our more less skilled classmates." I think Asu's got him covered, but I don't say anything because I want to win.

Speaking of Asu, she pumps a fist into to air and starts shouting encouraging things- "Alright dudes! You guys ready to get absolutely pounded with exercise!?!"

The others raise their fists with hearty emotion- except for Ayano who still has that blank expression. But beyond that, her eyes look in my direction- she's here for me. Like I care.

Budo slinks an arm around me by surprise. "So comrade, ready to start with some push-ups?"

Oh no. I hate push-ups.

"Eh, Daku loves push-ups."

With Masuta-senpai distracted I slink to a nearby tree and hide underneath the shade. I needed a break from all of this enthusiasm.

Sitting down, I open my Occult book and take out a pencil, crossing out debunked myths on the internet. I hear a male and female yelling for someone to "Push it harder!" and my mind immediately imagines naughty images, but in reality, Asu and Budo are forcing Daku and Taro to do push-ups. Seeing Taro struggle on the ground like that makes me want to lift him like a princess to ease his pain, and tend to his tired muscles, ensuring that he'll never lift a finger again. (Oops, accidently wrote that down. Erase, erase...)

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now