Romantic Murder Plots

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Shin's POV

Dozens of petals seem to fall out of the trees for the sole purpose of bringing romance to this otherwise emotionless school. The  beautiful trees, the greeters of the school walkway, make no effort to hold dropping their cherry blossoms to let them flutter carelessly in the wind, perfectly setting the scene of yet another majestic day.

I like to think the blossoms like to fall faster when someone at school is feeling joy, love, peace, anything. My body feels like a whirlwind of all of those emotions combined into one big tornado spinning mad through my entire body.

Nothing can bring my mood down on the day I get to see Taro again. I wait by the school entrance for him to show up- the thought of it tingles my entire body. Taro Yamada, surrounded by cherry blossoms, arms outstretched to greet no one other than me. Then I race to him like a scene in a romantic anime and we embrace with the cherry blossom petals falling behind us. I bury my face in his chest as he wraps his arms around my waste, and then we...

... walk to class together while I plot to steal some of his pencil shavings.

The perfect friendship scene, and it's all mine! And all I have to do is wait for Taro to show up. Hm... I check my watch. Class starts in five minutes. He's never this late. When the hell is he going to show up?

Someone touches my shoulder. I can't stop smiling when I turn around to see... Oh.

Chojo Tekina.

"Oh. It's you."

"Yeah..." From the look on his face I don't think I did a very good job at not sounding disappointed just now. But hey, maybe I'd be less disappointed if Taro would just effing show up!

My shoulder feels weird so I dust it off. "Please don't touch my shoulder again." He gives me a weird look. "It's just sore." I add. This shoulder is reserved only for Taro's lovely hands and no one else's. Personally I have no problem with this Chojo guy. He's in my club, he's very very quiet, more than me a couple of months ago. He's also very clumsy- Supana Churu always seems to get hurt by something he drops or trips on his feet when he walks by. Other than that, he seems like a nice person, so I'll be nice too.

His facial expression is... depressing. He darts his eyes at my shoulder which I realize I'm still rubbing, which clearly must have made him feel guilty, so I drop my hand. Way to be a regular cheerleader, Higaku.

"Is there something you needed, Tekina?" I ask. He looks to his left, then to the ground. Is he afraid to talk to me? He should only be afraid of me if he knew everything I'd do to him if he interrupts my romantic-friendship scene with Taro.

"I-..." I couldn't hear the rest. "Out with it." I command. Every Taro-less minute that passes makes me angrier.

"If your looking for your friend, Yamada, he's..." He looks away again.

"Where?" I know I sound forceful, but I don't care anymore.

"...already gone to class. He was with someone when he came to school. A girl I think." He puts his hand on his chin, thinking a little. "Musume Ronshaku I think." He waits for me to say something, but nothing comes out. His words infuriated me. He had already come to school with another person? AND it's a girl!?!

No. No, no, no!

I nod my head to Chojo- "Pardon me Tekina but I really have to discuss something with Taro. Now." I turn to leave but he grabs my hand- forcefully, I might add. "Huh?"

He's not looking away this time. He looks like he's staring directly into my soul.

"Don't call me Tekina. Call me Chojo from now on." he says monotonously. I try to pull away but he has a very strong grip. It almost reminds me of Budo Masuta when he forces me to eat lunch with him. "Uh-okay." I respond, and he lets go. "I'll see you at club, Shin." The way he says that sounds like a command rather than a goodbye.

Yandere Shin- with Chojo and Daku! (The sequel to Yandere Shin)Where stories live. Discover now