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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Come now Indigo, mustn't be late." The elderly Miss Fawley said in a chipper tone as we approached the gateway between the worlds. "Exciting day, your first day of school... I have been with your family since your mother was a girl, I seem to remember her being much more excited when she left for Hogwarts."

I looked to my shoes as those swarmed around us. There, like always was the starring. The looks from others that I received simply because of my last name. Others starred because of my resemblance to her, it was no question that I was her daughter. It was something that had hung over me my entire life. 

I shared her thick black hair that at times was as mad as she was, and her brown eyes. Only mine were softer, or at least that is what I told myself.

"Indigo, don't dawdle. Big day ahead." She sang in a quiet tone, "Now what you have to do, is run straight ahead. No need to worry deary, it is as easy as flicking your wand."

I looked at the red brick wall ahead of me, the wall between platforms nine and ten. The chatter seemed to grow louder as we approached it. The butterflies swarmed around in my stomach and I looked ahead and gave a small nod before running forward.

I closed my eyes tightly for a moment, and when I opened them I found myself surrounded by those of my own kind. Those who had magic.

"Hurry, hurry." Miss Fawley said as she crossed over, "The train doesn't wait for anyone Indigo, not even a Lestrange like yourself."

I rushed forward after the aged woman and made her way towards the train, when Fawley suddenly stopped. "Now girly, you remember to write your mother, she will want to hear all about your schooling and all about for the Slythrin house has changed." She told me sternly, "Indigo?"

 "Yes Miss Fawley." I whispered, the older woman smiled and took a step back and looked me over.

"All grown up now! Getting ready for your first year at Hogwarts! Now get going, and I don't want any letters home about you causing trouble." She said sternly once again.

"Yes Miss Fawley." I repeated once again, and before I could say goodbye she was already gone.

I slowly made my way towards the train, and when the man took my trunk I almost felt more alone. I began to slowly to make my way down the train in search of a compartment, and found myself going back to a time when my life was the best it ever had been. 

'Indigo...' My mother said entering my room, I was only four years old at the time. 'How is my princess doing?' She asked,

'Good! Guess what mummy!' I giggled, she gave a small thing that could have possibly been a smile.

She looked at me in wonder, 'What?'

'I saw another girl today! With miss Fawley! She said hi to me, and I said hi to her.' I told her with a giant grin on my face, 'And...'

She raised her eyebrows, 'And you asked her what her bloodstatus was?' She questioned, I shock my head.

'No mummy, I didn't think to...'

Her face seemed to darken, 'You can't afford not to think! Not just for yourself but for this family! What if the dark lord were to hear that my daughter was talking to some bloodtraitor? Or worse, a mudblood!' She drew her wand from within her robes, 'You have a status to withhold!'

Miss Fawley came bustling into the room, 'Mrs Lestrange, she is but a girl... only a child.'

A dark look spread across her face, 'I don't care how old the stupid thing is! I would never have done such a foolish thing! Do you not understand? That things soul purpose is to marry a pureblood and continue the bloodline!

'And worst of all... its a girl. No dinner, and if I ever hear about you talking to a stranger again, the consequences will be much more dire.'

I was shaken from my thoughts as I walked right into another person, already they began apologizing. "I am so so sorry!" She said, her hair changing from a bubble gum pink to a violet. "It was all my fault... I am so incredibly clumsy, I am so sorry."

I took a big gulp of air before speaking, "No... it was probably my fault... I was a little lost in my thoughts." I said quietly, "Well... it was nice meeting you..."

The other girl suddenly jumped forward, "No! Wait! My name is Nymphadora Tonks, not that I really like it at all." She told me, "It's nice to met you,..."

"Oh... I'm Indigo, Indigo Lestrange." I told her very shyly, she gave me a strange look.

"Really? You seem awful nice to be a Lestrange? And from what my mothers told me about them, well, its not all that good." Nymphadora babbled, "Sorry, not to be rude or anything."

I looked down to the ground, "What would your mother know about the Lestrange family?" I asked her quietly, in a defensive tone. "And... and who are you to judge anyway?"

Nymphadora raised her hands in defense, "Sorry, I tend to over talk... my mother, her name is Andromeda, and she was a Black until she married my father and was disowned." She told me, "My mother, her sister married a Lestrange. She used to be quite close with her sisters, Bellatrix and Narcissa."

I gasped, "My mother told me about her. She's Bellatrix... she always warned me about what would happen if I were to..." She stopped, "Well she did... but that was a long time ago..."

Nymphadora looked down, "Before she was sent away?" She asked, "Are you going into your first year?" She asked, I nodded, "You were only eight?"

I took a step back from the girl, "I... I've got to go..."

Once again she suddenly jumped forward and took my arm, "No, wait... I'm sorry, that was rude. Please, sit with me. I've always wanted a cousin... and if you don't want that we could just be friends, please." She begged of me, and it was in that moment that I made the decision that would change my life forever. 

I went with her.

The rest of the trip had become the best moments of my life. And that night, as the names were called out I stood in fear knowing I had to make my choice... be sorted into Slythin like the rest of my family... or beg to be put in any other house.

There was no going back as the hat called out one simple word the second the hat touched my head.


Twisted (Charlie Weasley)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ