Chapter Seven

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I was wrapped up tightly in my coat

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I was wrapped up tightly in my coat. Snow fell lightly around me and I smiled happily, "Are you sure you have got to go?" Charlie asked, "Think of the amazing Christmas we will have?"

I shook my head and grabbed my trunk from the ground, "No, I need to go home. My cousin would kill me if I didn't." I told him, he chuckled as I struggled to hold my trunk and keep both feet on the ground.

I gave him a small smile and put my trunk down on the ground before giving him a big hug, one of the first times I had ever hugged him. He gladly held me back and even lifted me up into the air a little. I laughed lightly and when he put me down I released my grip around him neck.

A cold gust of wind blew past us and a shiver ran down my spin, "Goodbye Charlie." I said, "I will tell you all about my Christmas when I get back, and I expect you to do the same."

A grin spread across Charlie's face, "Definitely... blimey, I nearly forget to give you your gift."

I look of surprise spread across my face, "Oh... you didn't have to get me anything." I told him, he laughed and pulled out a small box from inside his coat.

"You should probably expect a knitted jumper from my mother as well..."

A smile spread across my face, "You told your mother about me?"

He laughed, "You told your cousin about me!"

I let out a giggle, then looked down at my watch. "Merlin's beard! Is that the time! I really have to go, goodbye Charlie."

He gave a sad smile, "Goodbye Indy."

I gave him a small smile and a wave before turning on the spot and disappearing with a loud crack. When the spinning stopped I had appeared in front of the Tonks household, and the first sound I heard was a bang inside the house.

"Nymphdora! Be careful!" I heard my aunt yell, I felt a smile spread across my face.

The door to the house swung open and Dora came running at me full speed, nearly tripping down the front steps and knocked me over when she wrapped her arms around me. I laughed and hugged her back as we laid in the snow in front of the house.

"I missed you so bloody much!" Tonks yelled, I laughed at her silly antics.

I stood up from the snow and brushed myself off, "I missed you too!" I told her loudly,

She smiled, "I bet life was so boring without me..."

"Yes, constantly working on people who were attacked by dragons is incredibly boring." I told her with a sarcastic tone, "I could have died." I added dryly.

She rolled her eyes, "I expect you to tell me all about Mr Weasley, I mean... you are holding a small box in your hand and that is male handwriting on the card."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my trunk before dragging it up to the house. I made it to the door just in time to met my aunt and uncle at the door. My uncle quickly took my trunk and my aunt pulled me into a hug.

"You know, I don't know how it is possible, but I think you got more beautiful since you left! You are turning into quite the beautiful young girl." She told me brushing some hair out of my face, "i made up your room, I hope it'll be good..."

I laughed, "Anything would be perfect Aunt Dromeda." I told her, she smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead,

"Now lets get out of the doorway and go sit in the living room. I am sure you have all sorts of stories to tell us, but please mind what you say. I am not as young as I once was." She told me, "My poor old heart might not be able to take it."

Ted laughed, "Dear, you are only forty."

"Forty! Ancient!"

Ted shook his head as he followed his wife into the living room, me and Tonks quickly followed laughing at their antics.


I was awoken early Christmas to Tonks jumping roughly on me, "Wake up! Wake up!" She yelled, I laughed at her.

"Morn'in Tonks."

"Watcher Indigo."

The twp pf us rushed down stairs where my aunt and uncle already sat, surrounded by all sorts of gifts. "Morning girls." Ted said in between sips of his coffee, a yawn planted on his face.

I sat down and began to sort gifts with a very eager Tonks, aunt Andromeda often putting in a "Careful Dora."

When all the gifts were sorted we all began to open our gifts, Tonks smiled as she opened a gift that looked like some sort of contraption from Mad-Eye Moody, her teacher. Andromeda pulled on a jumper that Ted had gotten her that was a beautiful Slythrin green. Ted himself had opened up some muggle book that Tonks had gotten him.

I myself carefully pulled the card free that Charlie had written included with the gift.

'Happy Christmas Indigo, thought since you've been working at the facility for awhile so I thought I would get you something... um, did I really just write um... merlin's beard. Anyway, I hope you have a brilliant holiday.'

I found myself laughing at the card and pulled open the lid to the small box after untying the bow around it. Inside was a silver bracelet, and inscription on it read 'Dragons might be scary, but you are far more frightening'.

I giggled and placed it on my wrist, grabbing another parcel with my name on it from my small pile of presents. It was soft, and I quickly unwrapped it to see a jumper with the letter I on it. I looked at the card to see that it was in fact from Charlie's mother, I smiled and pulled it on. It seemed to have a warmer feeling to it then any other jumper I had ever worn.

"That's a nice jumper dear," My aunt told me, "Looks hand made, who sent you it?"

I smiled, "A co-workers mother."

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