Chapter Four

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I sat at my desk in the small cabin with a smile on my face

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I sat at my desk in the small cabin with a smile on my face. Sitting in front of me was a letter from my cousin, I could tell from the spilled tea on the corner of the envelope. I quickly tore it open and took the parchment out from inside,

'Dear Indy?

Since when do you go by Indy? I think this would be something I know! You gave me so little details about Romania as well! I need to know what to pack for when I eventually visit, and I better get a tour from some cute worker boy that includes dragons.

And what is up with this Charles Weasley? Mum said his family are all known bloodtraitors, but she doesn't know much more about them besides the fact that there are like a million kids in his family... and only one girl, Merlin's beard I pity her, though she is like twelve years old.

I don't think he would judge you Indigo, I mean and mum agrees. Maybe he should be the one you finally open up to if it isn't me. You need to let go of the past, I mean you already on the way to your future and I still have another bloody year of training before I can do anything remotely cool.

By the way, mum told me to tell you to be safe with Sirius Black on the lose. She told me that he is her cousin, and that well they were once close before both were disowned. Apparently after that he joined up with you-know-who and he was the one to betray the Potters. Mum's scarred he will have a message from Bellatrix or something.\

Keep safe, and please tell me everything that happens between you and this Charles Weasley. I need to know everything.

Lots of love,

xox Tonks'

I rolled my eyes at my cousin before grabbing out another piece of parchment, quill and ink. I began to write very quickly, with a smile on my face the whole while.

'Dear Tonks,

So you want to know everything? Well I suppose I should start with my little cabin. Its log made with the most beautiful stone chimney. It gets incredibly hot in here though on the sunny days, and I have learnt to sleep with the windows open to avoid cooking myself in the stuffiness of it.

When it rains, which it seems to do often (thank god or the whole place probably would have burnt down by now) I can hear each pitter patter on the roof, which is very soothing seeing as it reminds me of back home.

The tent where I work is a tacky green color, and is often filled with all sorts of people whom I have to treat. While I work at a dragon sanctuary the strangest thing I have seen so far would have to by Amoretta, the wife of one of the workers who is pregnant with her first child. Did I mention that she is very, very french? Her accent is almost impossible to understand and she often replaces an English word with a french one. She has taken to calling me 'mon cher'.

Her husband too has a strong accent, only his is Romanian and his name is Vasile. He often occumpines me at least part way on my walk to the medical tent... which seems to be one of Charles Weasley's favourite places to be, that or he really must want to get to know me.

It the two weeks that I have been here I have treated him on multiple occasions, I am starting to believe that he has spent more nights in the tent then his own cabin (Which I have seen as on my second night here he invited me for dinner). He isn't very neat at all, but is fairly good at burning the occasional steak.

I don't really know what else there is to say, well other then the fact that I have seen many dragons. They tend to like to fly over our little village. The first time it nearly gave me a heart attack! It seemed just so huge, but then I saw the most amazing thing. At least a dozen workers simply on brooms flying after it. Their wands were out and they were sending all sorts of spells after it, the dragon shot fire into the air... it was amazing.

Don't worry to much about me Dora, I think I have finally found a place where I belong. Dispite all of the craziness here, well I fit in. Lots of love,

xox Indy'

I placed the letter down on my desk for now after reading it over. There was a sudden knock at my door and I rushed over to answer it never having someone knock on it before, I pulled it open quickly to see one of the men I met on the first day, Hank. An american wizard who now worked her.

"Charlie needs intimidate medical attention." He told me, I nodded and quickly rushed back inside the cabin to grab my wand.

I scrambled about and then apparated on the spot towards the tent, I could already hear the groaning from the man. A group of people huddled around him, all other workers. "Everyone out!" I yelled, they all took a step back and let me through to take a look, he had a sever burn across his shoulder and a broken arm it looked like.

There was a cut across his face and I shook his head, "You know Charles some might think you were trying to copy professor Kettleburn."

He just let out a painful groan. It was strange for me to see him in so much pain, "Okay there... I am just going to put some of this burn cream on your shoulder, I should warn you it will sting."

As I placed the cream on him he let out a pained scream, it caused me to flinch slightly but I kept on going, "Shh.. it's almost done Charlie." I assured him, "I am going to mend your arm now..."

"Ferula..." I said softly, "Tergeo..."

The blood on his arm and face started to fade away, and his arm was bound together. I rushed over to the cabinet and grabbed out the bottle of skeletal grow. I pour the proper amount into a glass and rushed back over to Charlie, "Okay I am going to need you to drink this... but just a fair warning I am told it tastes worse then goblin piss."

The man took the glass with his good arm and downed it in one big gulp, I quickly filled another glass that would replenish his blood. He drank that quickly to, and while I accplied a cream to his face he seemed to calm some.

"I'm going to give you some sleeping drought, I has always taught that sleep was the best way to cure anything." I told him, handing him the potion, he nodded and tool it from me.

"Your brilliant Indigo." He said weakly, and then downed the potion in one go the way he did with the skeletal grow. I smiled and walked over to my desk where I quickly filled out the wounds and treatments in one of his binders.

I looked over to see that the potion had already taken effect and he was fast asleep on his cot. His shirt was absolutely ruined, and he looked a mess though he would be fine now. I shook my head laughing, "Charlie Weasley you are one of the most mental people I know... and that is including my mother."

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