Chapter Thirty-Four

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Artie's first birthday came and went far faster than I thought it would. There was no big bash or anything of the sort, just a simple birthday cake and smiles between Charlie, Artie and me. Our small family had seemingly reached its first large milestone together. We had survived our first year together with the addition of a small human, something I never thought I would be so proud of, and yet as Charlie held his shaggy-haired son and sang the familiar birthday tune I couldn't have been happier. It was as if my entire life had been leading up to moments like these where I could finally feel completely happy. 

Though, as days passed after Artie's birthday, the anniversary of my parents escape from Azkaban passed as well. I expected as the days went on for them to send me some sort of sign or letter, but the days remained quite and I became more on edge wondering what the duo was planning. I knew Charlie sensed I was on edge, that he too was worried about what was going on in my mind, but I kept my worries to myself and went on as I always did. I worked, I spent time with Artie, I cherished my alone time with Charlie, and I lived.

The new year didn't seem to linger long, as January and February speed by quickly, bringing the first of March and the first trip back in England in two months for both Artie and myself. Once again Charlie would be unable to accompany me back to England, but he also knew that this trip was more for Order business than anything else. It only happened that I would be arriving back on the day of his youngest brothers seventeenth birthday, a thought that shocked me as I still remembered the first time I met the at the time fourteen-year-old boy, for the first time. 

My first stop upon my arrival home was at the flat of Nymphadora Tonks. While I had hoped with this trip home she would be in better spirits, she remained down and seemingly broken compared to the vibrant girl I had grown up with. She, of course, appeared happy to see both Artie and me, but my visit was short as I was due to make my way to Hogwarts to check in with Dumbledore. I was aware that I didn't need to see Dumbledore the first night I was in the country, but I also knew that it felt like where I should be at the time.

When I apparated to Hogsmeade I was more than surprised to see two red-headed figures up the path from me, "Molly!" I called, "Arthur!"

The two figures quickly turned, their wands held in their hands with a tension that didn't release until they saw that the person who had called them was me. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I caught up with them, and it was only then that I saw the looks of distraught so clearly written across their faces, "What's wrong? Who's been hurt?"

Arthur, who seemed much stronger than his wife at the moment was the first to speak, "It's Ron..."

"He's been poisoned!" Molly sobbed, and before I could even register what was happening I was pulled into one of her signature bone crushing hugs. "Oh, Indigo!"

The tears did not stop the entire walk to the school, where I sat silently while Harry attempted to explain what had happened to the frazzled parents. After a brief visit to the poor boy, and a quick conversation with Poppy Pomfrey in attempts to get more information of what the boy was plagued with, I escorted the two to Dumbledore's office, where to my frustration he seemed more interested in the happenings of the order that the fact that the couples son had been poisoned. It was in that moment that I knew a motherly side of me had kicked in, and I couldn't help but picture Ron as Artie for a moment. I couldn't imagine what must have been going through Molly and Arthur's minds, and yet they seemed to remain calm the entire hour we sat in the headmaster's office. 

At a quick pace, we made our way back to the infirmary which seemed more than crowded with the added presence of Rubeus Hagrid and the Weasley twins, both of which seemed glad to see me at the moment. 

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