Chapter Three

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For many October 31st, 1981 was a great day

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For many October 31st, 1981 was a great day. For me, not so much. While they took away a woman whom I hated more than anything at the same time I loved... they took away the one person I did love. My father.

"Indigo?" A man's voice called out, "Where is my little purple princess?"

A giggle escaped my mouth and I quickly tried to cover it, but it was too late. I was grabbed up from where I was hiding and lifted into the air with ease. I was then thrown onto the sofa and showered in tickles.

Laughter and screams escaped my mouth while my father chuckled happily, "Good morning darling!" He said as he stopped his tickling, "Did you sleep well my little angel?"

I nodded rapidly, "Yes daddy! I had a dream about going to Hogwarts! I made headgirl and made top girl and everyone loved me!"

My father laughed, "That isn't a dream my sweet Indigo, when you are a Lestrange you are royalty. By the time you go to school the muggleborns and blood traitors wont and everyone there will love you. The professors will give you all sorts of special treatment just because you name."

A frown came to my face, "But daddy, isn't that unfair?"

He laughed, "Maybe to the others my purple princess, but to you, well you will be real royalty."

I tilted my head to the side, "Does that mean mummy won't yell at me anymore?" I asked him, a sad look feel on his face.

"Darling, you know your mother loves you very much." He told me, brushing my hair away.

I flopped around on the couch, "It doesn't seem like it. She is hardly even home daddy, and when she is she is yelling at me. She is always with aunt Narcissa and the baby, and when she isn't with them she is with the dark lord."

My father ran his hands through my hair, "Well darling you know that your mothers work is very important."

A scowl fell on my face, "What work? All she ever talks about is hurting other people!" My forehead scrunched, "And Miss Fawley it was bad to cause others pain."

"Now Indigo, you know that is nothing you should be worrying about. I will talk to you more about your mothers and my work when you are older, but for now you should just be worried about being little miss Purple Princess Indigo." My father told me, "Now I must be off for a few hours, your mother, uncle and I have some business to attend to."

A strange man stepped into the room, "Are you coming or not Rodolphus?" He asked, "Or should I call you the Purple King Rodolphus?"

A scowl fell across my fathers face, "That is enough Barty, now let's go. I shall see you later Indigo."

When my father left that night I had no idea what they had gone to do. He did not tell me that the dark lord had fallen, nor had he told me what they were doing to get him back.

If someone were to tell my the names Alice and Frank Longbottom, I would have had no idea who they were.

After that I did.

Alice and Frank Longbottom were the names of the people my family tortured into insanity. They took them from their son, a boy who was only a year old. A boy who would grow up being able to see his parents but not know them.

The Auror and his wife had no idea either that my parents were coming. They had no idea that they would never know their son. They had no idea they would lose themselves... and despite not knowing they still fought the curse. They had nothing to say, or they kept it secret. They were driven into insanity by my parents and it wasn't because they were muggles...

They were pure bloods too... they are how I found out what a blood traitor was. They were good. They were kind... and they loved their children and never used curses against them the way my mother had on me.

The next morning I sat with my father when the ministry workers stormed through the front door. A man in a suit began reading rights while wands were pointed at my mother and father... and me.

They tried to grab my father but I jumped onto him and began to sob uncontrollably. "No! No don't take my daddy!" I screamed, "Daddy don't go!"

A ministry official pulled me away from my father, but I continued to scream. "Dad! Dad!" I yelled, "Please don't leave me!"

The ministry official who held me in his arms looked down at me sadly, "There there darling... don't worry about them."

"She should, those two will never see the light of day again." One said with a smug smile, "Your mummy and daddy did some really bad things kid."

I shock my head, "Not daddy. No."

"He tortured..."

"That is enough Clinton, shes just a kid."

That was the first time I noticed who held me. A man with one fake eye, and a false leg. He had a scar across his face and looked down at me with wonder.

"What's your name?" He asked me,

"In-In-Indigo." I told him with a sob, my parents had already been apparated away. A wicked look on my mothers face was the last thing I saw of her.

He let out a grunt, "Well Indigo, they call me Mad-Eye Moody." He told me, "Don't worry about your parents. Do you have anyone who can take care of you?"

"My... my nanny, miss Fawley." I told him softly, not even sure whether or not I should be talking to him, "She... she... she..."

"Don't hurt yourself kid," He said, "Is she here right now?" I shook my head quickly, his false eye spun around before he nodded, "Well then kid, I guess I'll be staying with you until we can explain what happened to miss Fawley."

I looked at his face in wonder, "When will my daddy be coming home?" I asked him, a sad look spread across his face.

"Your daddy isn't coming home Indigo, he did some really bad things... and now he has to pay for his actions."

I cried until I found out about the Longbottoms, and then I never cried over my father again.

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