Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I left the Burrow for Hogwarts as the afternoon came to a close. Molly had not stopped her battle to try and stop me from going to the school, even as I apparated with Bill towards the school, I knew she would not give up her battle to keep me out of the war ahead of us. There was a smugness to Bill's face as we touched down in Hogsmeade that evening, a smugness that I couldn't help but laugh at as it was all too familiar of a look, one that I had seen on both Charlie and Artie's face before. 

"You know," Bill commented, "I don't think I have ever seen mum argue that hard about anything. Not ever about cutting mine and Charlie's hair..."

A small laugh escaped my lips as we began our short trek to the gates of the school. Bill had informed me the night before that Dora would be waiting for Remus and him there, and unknown to her, me as well. To enter the grounds we would be asked a question that only we would know the answer too. It was odd thinking that Dora would have to quiz me, but I knew there was a lot of material for her to question me on as well. It was like the announcement of a pop quiz, terrifying, but also curious at the same time. 

When we reached the gates of the school Remus already stood with Dora on the other side, both of their faces flushed red and part of me wondered what question my cousin had asked the older man to put him in such a state. Her flush seemed to pass quickly, however, when her eyes fell upon me and she let out a loud cheer of glee, causing both the men in our presence to flinch. I doubted either of them had ever heard her make such a noise, but I had known Dora in our teenage years when she crushed on famous quidditch players. 

"Indigo!" She cheered, though she quickly composed herself as much as she could, her smile never leaving her face. I hadn't seen her look this close to happy in a long time. "Okay... um... when we were eleven years old how did we meet?"

I smiled remembering this moment very vividly. It had been one of the best moments of my life, and something that we rarely spoke of because we liked the thought of having known each other rather than the thought of having lived eleven years without the other. "It was September first, we were both on the Hogwarts express, and I was having a rather nasty memory about my mother when I walked right into you. You apologized, claimed it was your fault, and I claimed the same. Your hair went from pink to violet, you were a little rude about my last name, but I took no offence... and you told me you had always wanted a cousin and begged me to sit with you on the train, even if it was just with friends."

Dora smiled and asked Bill a question as well. His answer was shorter than my own, and quickly we joined Dora and Remus on the other side of the protective enchantments. Dora pulling me into a tight hug that could rival Molly Weasley's. 

"You didn't tell me that you were coming out tonight!" She scolded me, "Where is Artie?"

I gave her a smile, "It wouldn't have been much of a surprise if I told you that I was coming." I teased her, "Besides, I only found out last night that I was coming. Molly tried to stop me all day, but failed and is now watching over Artie with Fleur."

Dora began to lead us to the school. I could tell that Remus fell behind the three of us quickly, and I couldn't help but turn around and glare at him. He, of course, looked frightened, my glare had been among one of the many things I had inherited from my mother, and those who knew her, or knew of her, often just saw her when I gave them such a look. I quickly turned back and linked arms with Tonks, each of us clutching our wands tightly as we entered the school. 

"Dumbledore wants us stationed on the grounds and throughout the castle... But as there are only the four of us, we will have to split up and cover as much ground as we can. If you see anything at all, send a Patronus and we will meet up then." Tonks ordered, "Indigo, you take the upper floors, Remus the grounds... Bill and I will be on the lower floors and in the dungeons."

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