Chapter Twenty-Two

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The order gathered together to eat one evening before the meeting. I sat surrounded by not just the order, but everyone staying at head quarters. All the people who had become important in my life over the past few months, and even before that. Tonks did a few silly faces causing Ginny and Hermione to laugh, Fred and George grinned as they watched their father, who must have been their next pranking target. Edith placed a kiss on Sirius's lips before turning and talking to Eliza who was ranting about the house elf Kreacher. Ella smiled at Remus as he told her how much she looked like her mother, and Harry sat listening to one of Ron's many Quidditch related stories. Other members gossiped amongst themselves and laughed loudly. I knew now that this was happiness. This is what a family really was. Loud, dysfunctional and in reality at times nothing alike. They would fight, there would be mistakes, but that was life.

"Okay..." Molly said, "Unless anyone has anything to say... we can start eating."

I smiled and shakily stood up from the table, "Um... actually Molly there is something I wanted to say while everyone is here... sort of get this done in one shot..."

Arthur laughed and Molly hit his shoulder stopping him, "Well go on dear." She said urging me on, "Spit it out." 

I swallowed the lump in my throat and lifted up my hands and ran them through my hair, "Well, I didn't just come back to work for the order... I came back, because... well me and Charlie..."

Molly's face dropped, "Is everything okay between the two of you?"

I quickly nodded my head, "Yeah, yeah everything is perfect... um, well... I wanted to be closer to Saint Mungo's, because... well Charlie and I are going to have a baby."

There was a moment of silence throughout the room and Molly let out a loud scream and ran over wrapping her arms me. It was the softest hug I had ever received from her, "I... I am going to have a grandbaby..." She said softly, "Oh!"

Tears were running quickly down my face now as I reached down and touched my fingers softly to my stomach, "Yeah... you're going to have a grandbaby... and hopefully if this little one can run on time everyone will be here... I am due just before new years."

Molly let out a squeal again and wrapped her arms around me, "Oh darling... you call me mum, I am mum now."


Summer again ended just as quickly as it began. Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Eliza, and Ella all head back to school. It was clearly showing the fact that I was pregnant now, and Charlie had plans on coming to visit in the near future. It seemed everything was perfect, well at least for me.

The order was placed between a rock and a hard place as we watched what was happening at Hogwarts. It didn't take a genius to realize Dumbledore had absolutely no control over what was happening at the moment. It was days like today where I couldn't help but disagree with Molly. If the twins, who were of age, joined the order we could at least be doing something.

I had been basically treated like I was a tissue by her and the rest of the order since revealing that I was pregnant. No one sends me on any missions and they all act as if I do something I will rip in two.

Molly is also one of the many who doesn't agree with the baby and I returning to Romania, despite the many time I have told her that it is my home and no one will keep me from it. It seemed the argument died after Molly's last, pitiful, attempt when my hair turned bright red.

"So," Tonks said as we sat in the leaky cauldron sipping mugs of butterbeer, "What are you naming the baby?"

I snorted, "And why would I tell you that!?"

"Because I am practically your sister and you love me?" She said with a grin, I once again snorted as Poppy entered the pub and made her way over to the two of us.

She looked absolutely drained as she flopped down in the empty chair at our table and ordered a large mug of fire whiskey. Loudly she banged her head on the table.

Tonks snorted, "Is it really safe for you to be seen around us?"

"I am so tired I don't even care... And Percy was such an arse at work! Merlin's beard I don't understand that boy, one minute all is fine and the next I am but a secretary!" Poppy said as the fire whiskey was placed in front of her. She took a long swig, draining half the cup.

"Slow down there!" I told her softly, "You know if I didn't know any better I would say you have feelings for the arse."

It was well known in the Weasley family, a family I soon would be joining, that Percy was on the outs. Molly still hoped for his return while the youth was simply irritated at him.

"Speak of the devil," Tonks said before changing some of her facial features, I quickly did the same.

Percy made his way over to the table and smiled warmly at Poppy, "Good evening Miss Placer."

Poppy forced a smile, "Good evening Mister Weasley, what brings you down this way?"

He laughed, something I thought was impossible for him to do. "Even I have a life outside of work... Now, who are your friends?"

I quickly smiled, "Ivy, and my sister Sage." I told him, "We've been friends with Poppy and Lincon for quite some time."

Percy lifted his eyebrows, "Lincon?"

Poppy smiled, "Well he is the closest thing I have to a brother Mister Weasley, we grew up in the same home... And we went to Hogwarts together. He was, is a Slytherin."

Percy didn't say much more before heading towards Diagon Alley. It seemed all of us were glad of that. Tonks and I quickly shifted back to our normal selves. Poppy seemed beyond weirded out.

"What did you just do!?" She asked us with her eyes widened.

Tonks smirked wildly, "Have you never seen a metamorphagus?"


"How's your day Indy?" Healer Jones asked as I sat in one of the many rooms at Saint Mungo's. Healer Jones was a tall, dark wizard with kind eyes and a horrible sense of humor, making him one of my favorite co-workers for the time being.

The room we sat in was quite, the walls white and everything quite bland. "Good." I said softly looking around, "Just here to check up on the baby..."

Healer Jones laughed, "Well, according to my chart you are just done the second trimester... Thirty weeks."

I nodded, "Time has flown by..."

"Did you ever find out the sex of the baby?" Healer Jones asked me, and when I shock my head a grin spread across his face, "Do you want to know?"

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