Chapter Fifteen

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While living with Charlie was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, I didn't have all that much time to experience it before my annual trip back to England came up

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While living with Charlie was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, I didn't have all that much time to experience it before my annual trip back to England came up. While I was excited to go home as see my aunt, uncle, and cousin, I knew I would be bombarded with all sorts of questions on the red headed boy I was now living with. I tried my hardest to pack my belonging, but doing so seemed nearly impossible with Charlie around. With every article of clothing I packed away he removed two.

I let out an involuntary groan, "Charles, I need to pack."

He let out a groan in a mocking sort of way, "But I don't want you to go." He told me, "We just moved in!"

I flopped down onto our bed and rolled over next to where he was laying, his hair was a mess, it being one of his few days off of work the two of us procrastinated to the max about getting up that day. I had yet to change out of my plaid PJ pants and wanted more than anything to remain in these pants more than anything.

I let out a sigh, "I need to go Charlie... they are my family." I tried to reason with him, "I will be back in two weeks, I promise."

He turned to face me and brushed a piece of purple hair away from my face, "You don't often have purple hair." He said softly, "You nervous about something?"

A giggle rumbled out from my throat, "No, happy. I am happy." I told him, then let out another large laugh, "Not about leaving... I am just happy about us."

He smiled and placed a tender kiss on my lips and sat up on the bed with a sigh, "Do you want me to help you pack?" He asked gently, a smile spread across my face.

We spent about the next hour very lazily packing up some clothes for me to take along with me on my trip back to England. He asked if it wasn't any bother, if I could stop in and visit his mother as he was unable to, and I of course agreed. Our final conversations that day before I left were filled with laughter and overall happiness.

When I arrived at my aunt's house, as soon as the crack sounded she rushed out and pulled me into a very tight hug. What had been a very good day, had turned even better. She smelt of the same cinnamon that she always did when she released me she let out a gasp and lifted up a strand of my hair.

"Purple..." She said softly, "Tell me dear, why are you to happy? Surely it isn't to see me!"

I let out a laugh and shook my hair, turning it back to the usual dark brown I kept it in, the same shade my aunt's hair had been before it had begun to gray. She shook her head at me and ran her hand lightly through it.

"I am so glad to have both, my girls, home." She said softly, "Nymphadora will be here tonight, Ted is just finishing up work for the weekend..."

I smiled and picked up my bag and made my way towards the bedroom Dora and I had shared while we were younger. I placed my trunk down on my bed and smiled looking at all the quidditch posters Dora had hung before, and after I moved in at the age of thirteen. I lightly trailed my hand along one of them and laughed, remember a disagreement the two of us had shared many years ago over how many quidditch posters was too many.

I packed away my clothes in my childhood dresser and smiled when I finally closed it, and as I did so I heard a crack from outside. Moving across my room I looked down and saw where my uncle stood, holding my aunt in a tight hug as he did so. Quickly I made my way down from my room and out to great him with a large hug.

He laughed as I wrapped my arms around him, "Well if it isn't one of my favorite girls!"

I gasped in faux surprise, "I thought I was your favorite girl! Not one of them!"

My aunt rolled her eyes, "Darling, I will always be your uncle's favorite girl." She told me softly before placing a kiss on his lips.

The two for as long as I had known them had been very open with how they felt for the other, but I knew it hadn't always been this way. My aunt had been disowned before her completion of school for falling in love with my uncle, and in other words, being a blood traitor.

I knew in some ways my aunt had been hurt by the fact of her family casting her away, but I knew that she was happy with what she had. She constantly told us so, that she was gifted with a daughter, and then thirteen years later another. She said her life was complete for now, and that when it was time, would make room for more.

The three of us waited several hours before Tonks arrived, slightly late, which was something she was becoming more and more known for in our family. She arrived loudly, of course, and proceeded to trip over a rock.

That night the four of us feasted on some of the best food I had ever eater, prepared by my uncle, as the woman of the Black family aren't trained to be chefs, they are trained to be wives with house elves to do all of the real work.

I knew this from experience and was beyond relieved that Charlie was a somewhat decent cook, becuase in the past somehow I had actually burned water... I had undercooked a pre-cooked dinner from a muggle supermarket and messed up mashed potatoes.... that my uncle had already cooked and just asked me to move to the table.

And that was just my life.

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