Chapter Twenty Nine

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It seemed time was flying by once I had returned to Romania once again with Artie. The months flew by and before I had even blinked it seemed he was crawling around the apartment like a little mad man, his hair shifting different colours as he went. Taking care of him distracted me a lot of the time, and as he got older I was able to bring him with me to the healing tent where I could finally get back to work. 

As I sat in the healing tent with Artie crawling around the floor I attempted to write a letter knowing that the young boy was distracted with his toys I had brought down for him. I felt like I hadn't written home in forever. There didn't seem to be time to write as it felt as though the world was crashing down around us. 

Dear Molly,

Artie is a crawling machine, and I can't help but think he looks like a mini Charlie more and more with each passing day. Luckily I am getting more sleep now, but it seems the older he gets the more nightmares seem to plague my dreams. I hate not being able to tell you that all is fine, but I wouldn't want to lie to you. I am sure even if I tried you would see right through it having raised both Fred and George.

Speaking of the twins, I am so happy to hear that things are going well for them with the joke shop. Charlie and I have been trying to get home, we really have, but it is so hard with me back at work now and with little Artie to think of. He is not a fan of Apparation in the slightest when I came home last time I think his hair was firetruck red for a week and he saw no point in changing it back. I fear that he will inherit his fathers apparation skills at this rate, though I still have over sixteen years before I even need to worry about anything like that.

I really think you just need to give Fleur a chance Molly, Bill could have brought someone far worse home, and if you can accept the daughter of an Azkaban escape for your son I really hope you can accept her as well. Though they haven't been together that long, Charlie and I haven't either. I am sure Bill wouldn't have asked her to marry him had he not truly cared for her, and I am quite happy that he has found someone who seems to have as much spunk in her as he does, I mean she was in the Tri-Wizard Tournament after all. You have to have some serious courage to even think of entering an event like that.

Poppy has told me that Percy is still being a giant stick in the mud, and though I know you don't like to talk about it there isn't much any of us can do about that at the moment. Hopefully Poppy can help the boy see logic before it is too late, but don't worry yourself too much about it. You are a fantastic mum, and if he can't see it he is blind. I hope that in the future when you feel down about this you can just think of what a good job you have done with all your other children. Bill and Charlie are both engaged to be married, Charlie is a father as well. Both Fred and George have their joke shop, and while I know you would have rathered they found a career within the Ministry from what they have written me they seem to be doing quite well for themselves. Ron and Ginny are doing well at school and all of this is because of your amazing mothering. 

Take care Molly, hopefully, we will be able to return to England soon for a real visit, but when we do don't be surprised if it is an unannounced visit. Charlie thinks the post isn't safe anymore, and I can't help but agree. We just can't risk anyone knowing when we will really be back in the country. 

Lots of Love, 

xox Indy, Charlie and Baby Artie.'


I glanced down at Artie as I folded up the letter to see him reaching for a box filled with Skelo Grow, I groaned and stood up to grab my son off the ground, "No Arthur." I said sternly. Charlie and I had only really seemed to call him by his full name when he was about to do something he shouldn't, and he seemed to realize this as his hair quickly shifted to bright pink.

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