Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The Death Eaters departed almost as suddenly as they arrived. I was quick to assist Remus move Bill to the infirmary, ready for the next battle I was to face. The rights to treat Bill, knowing I was much more experienced than Poppy Pumfrey, and that I would be able to treat Bill's wounds in a way she wouldn't.

I wasn't sure how long we had been in the hospital wing when Ginny and Harry entered together. Remus was quick to jump up along with Hermione, "Are you all right, Harry?" He asked, the boy quickly nodded.

"I'm fine... How's Bill?"

I gave a smile, the Bill that laid on the table was hardly recognizable. "He will live," I said tenderly after a moment had passed, he proceeded to ask why we were not healing him with our wands. "These are cursed wounds." I told him softly, "They isn't any cure to a werewolf bite... thankfully Greyback wasn't... that the moon... he likely..."

Life changed rapidly after the death of Dumbledore. An event none of us ever saw coming, an event most of us refused to believe. We had been betrayed by one of our own and lost our leader. I couldn't help but think back to the first time I had really spoken to Dumbledore, and all the other times after that.

"Miss Lestrange," He said in a grandfatherly tone as I took a seat across from him. "I must admit, from what I have heard from your professors you are not what I expected you to be."

I scrunched up my face slightly, knowing that he meant that I wasn't like my parents. "I was quite surprised by your sorting, and I see that you have become close with Miss Tonks."

"She is my cousin, sir." I said softly, "Why shouldn't I be close with her?"

He gave a small laugh, "Because I am sure that your parents would not be pleased with you for talking to her."

I found a scowl cross my face, "My parents are in Azkaban. You can't really call them parents for that, can you?"

He gave a small smile, "Yes, sometimes it is hard to be related to some family..." he paused for a moment of thought before speaking again, "I understand what you are going through more than you would think Miss Lestrange..."

I interrupted him, "Indigo. Please just call me Indigo."

He gave a smile, "Well Indigo, like you, my father was shipped off to Azkaban when I was just a boy, but as you can see, I didn't let that hold me back. I hope you can accomplish many wonderful things throughout your life."

Shock welled through me, "Of course sir!"

He smiled softly, "And Indigo, if you ever need anything, please, reach out to me and I will help you in any way I can."


I had never felt so frozen. So unsure of what was to come as for the second time in my life I sat in the Headmaster's office. He wore a grim look on his face as he set down the letter he had read to me. My nanny, the woman who had cared for me more than my own mother, was dead. Without he,r I was lost. Without her, I wasn't sure what would happen next. I knew what I was going through must have been shock, but at fourteen years old I didn't know how to process what I was going through. It was the first time someone I loved had passed on, though I had grown to saying in my head that my parents were dead.

"I know this must be quite hard on you Indigo." Dumbledore said softly as looked up from his half moon glasses. "The Malfoy family has written, saying that you are to come to live with them once the term has finished..."

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