Chapter Seventeen

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The chilly nights in Romania seemed horrible this year... like they were warning us of something, but at the current moment, it did not matter as we sat around the fire sipping hot chocolate and talking about our future.

"Nothing star related." I said softly, "There has been far too much of that already..."

Charlie laughed, "I can understand that... but then absolutely no red hair..."

I snorted, " No... definitely red hair, I can't imagine a Weasley without one..."

Charlie smiled warmly at me, "Are we really talking about kids?" He asked, "I mean we work with dragons..."

"You work with dragons." I corrected him, "And why not... don't you see us going somewhere?"

"I see us going everywhere." He said softly, "But is this really the place to raise children?"

A small frown spread across my face, "There are far worse places Charlie... my childhood home is one of them... If... if I ever disobeyed my mother, the punishments were much worse than a slap on the behind or a timeout."

Since blanketed the room as the words left my mouth, I could tell that next to me Charlie was tense. I didn't often speak about my childhood... but when I did it seemed quite clear that I had nothing very good to say about it. My small hand was covered by Charlie's larger one.

"I guess Romania isn't the worst place to have a family." He said quietly, "But... we are still quite a ways away from that, aren't we?"

A smile formed on my lips, "I think we have much more adventures to tackle before children enter our lives... and I have this horrible feeling that now isn't the time anyway."

Charlie turned to look at me, he brushed a piece of my dark curls away from my face, "What do you mean Indy?" He asked softly, "What do you mean a horrible feeling?"

My breath shock for a moment, "I..." I cleared my voice softly, "It, well it's starting to feel like it did before..."

The days moved by slowly and the weeks went by even slower. The cold winter nights warmed to spring and before long it had reached to summer. There were all sorts of buzz about the tri wizard tournament and the last challenge that was happening in only a matter of days. Charlie attempted to take time off to go watch the event but was unsuccessful, where I was requested to go as many healers were to help in case of injury. 

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Charlie asked one last time as I double checked all of my bags, I had been ill the past couple days and he was beyond worried about letting me go anywhere without him.

I laughed and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, "I will be fine love, really... I will be able to see your family and Tonks, all will be well."

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