Chapter Fifty-Four

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For the first time in a long time, the darkness did not scare me. I did not worry for the safety of my son and fiance, or what monsters might have been creeping in the shadowy corners. Instead, the darkness wrapped around me like a soothing blanket. It became a hug of security, something to welcome when it came time to rest. I wasn't sure how long I had been in this darkness, what all had really lead to the end, or where Charlie was, but I knew as I laid in this darkness, Molly was taking care of me, and there was no one better in the world to have on your side than the Weasley Matriarch. 

I didn't know where I was at first when I opened my eyes, nor how much time had passed since I had collapsed at the battle into Molly's arms. The room I laid in was bright, and whispers seemed to dance outside the door. I was curled up in a soft bed dressed in a pastel blue and a thick comforter which was neither too hot nor too cold. On the table beside my bed was a vase of handpicked Daisies, Artie's favourite flower to pick, and my wand. Slowly I lifted my hand out from under the safety of the bedding and grabbed my wand and began to twirl it between my fingertips.

Since the battle, someone had cleaned me. No longer was I coated in a thick layer of dust, dirt and my own blood. I was also wearing clean clothes, my favourite pajamas to boot, meaning it must have been Charlie who chose what I was going to wear. He knew how much I loved the comfort this set gave me and likely knew after all that had happened I would need a little comfort. With my free hand I traced the plaid pattern of my pants over and over again as I began to think through what it was I had to do now. 

During the battle, I didn't think I was injured that horribly, but it was always hard to tell when it came to yourself. As a healer, I had the habit of putting other people's injuries before my own. Despite all of this being true, I was nearly positive it had been the emotional overload that had made me pass out, that and the pure exhaustion I was feeling after spending the entire night running all over the place trying to help out where I could. 

A soft tap on the door stirred me from my thoughts, and I couldn't help but smile as Fleur and Artie entered the room. The grin that spread across Artie's face for a moment made my heartbreak. I wasn't sure I had noticed how similar it was to Fred's smile before that moment, but I pushed through my pain for the sake of keeping my son happy and from worrying about what was happening around him. I was sure everything was extremely confusing to the young boy right now.

"Mummy!" He cheered before running over to my bed and diving into it, wrapping his little arms around me the best he could, "You are awake!"

I set my wand down and brushed my hand through his messy ginger hair, "Yes I am, sweetheart... have you been good for aunty Fleur?"

He gave an over-exaggerated nod, "Yes mummy! She took me to pick daisies for you! And we collected sea-shells at the beach!" He cheered, "She told me you would wake up real soon, that you just needed to rest."

"Thank you for letting me rest honey..." I said softly before looking over to Fleur who had yet to say a word, "Where is Charlie? Is he..."

"He is as good as he can be." Fleur said before I could finish, "They all have been making arrangements at the Burrow... Artie and I have been keeping each other company."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he was for sure alright, "And Dora? She made it?"

Fleur nodded, "Tonks is taking the loss of Ella very hard... but other than that she will be okay."

Once again I was able to relax, "What happened Fleur? How did he...?"

"We won." She said shortly, "That is all that matters right now. That we won and we will all be okay... We are at Percy's flat right now... the Burrow is very crowded, and we were unsure if you would need to see a healer or not again, so we all thought it best if you be in London until you woke up... I will let Charlie know you woke up."

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