Chapter Forty-Five

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"It kills me that we have to say goodbye like this." Andromeda Tonks said as we stood on a hilltop not far from her home and still within the protection of the charms that surrounded it. Together, she, Dora, Remus, Charlie, Artie and I stood in front of a rock with the name Edward Tonks carved neatly in my aunt's cursive scrawl. There was no body for us to burry, or ashes for us to scatter. This was as close to a goodbye as our family would ever get. "Ted, he deserves more than this."

Dora wrapped one arm around her mother, leaving the other resting on her very pregnant stomach. I followed suit and wrapped an arm around the other side of my widowed aunt. "I think he would like this..." I said softly, "The privacy, being close to home... he always hated having to socialize with large groups of people, he liked it when it was just us and he didn't have to work to show he was worth anything, he could just be him." 

Andromeda turned her head a placed a kiss on my forehead, and then one on Dora's, our tears were gone by now. The sorrow that remained was numbed ever so slightly. We all knew that he would have wanted us to move on, to remember him, but to continue to live our lives to the fullest. The war was still happening, but we had things to live for still. Each other. I had my aunt and cousin, the love of my life and son, and soon Dora would have the same. 

"I love you guys." Dora said softly as she gripped Remus' hand, and then she let go of her mother and husband and turned to Charlie and I, "You will be here when the baby comes, right?" She asked softly, "I don't think I could do this without you..."

I too, let go of Andromeda and with difficulty wrapped my arms around the very pregnant Dora. "As long as you need me Dora, as long as you need me I will always be here."

Charlie pulled me close into his side and brushed my hair out of my face, "We are here for you Tonks." He said gently, "That's what family does."

It wasn't long after that night that Charlie was forced to return to Romania. He had important work still to do there, but I knew better than anyone that I was now needed in England. The Order needed someone of my skill set, a healer who was devoted to their side. In addition to all the other reasons I knew were practical for me to stay in England, my number one reason was my family. They are what drew me to staying close to home. I knew better than ever that my aunt and cousin needed me, and that having Artie in England kept the Weasley family at ease as well. 

I traveled back and forth between Shell Cottage and the home of my aunt, acting as the healer to Dora as there really was no one else able to stand in that role for her. 

"Were you scared?" Dora asked me, "To become a mother?"

I sent her a small gaze, "You are going to be fine Dora."

"That doesn't answer my question."

I set down my mug of tea and sent a questioning look over at her, "Terrified... but you are going to be fine Dora."

"I... I just never pictured myself being a mother or a wife for that matter." Dora said softly, "I never played with dolls or wanted to wear dresses... I wanted to fight the bad guys and learn defensive spells. What if I'm not good enough? What if I am a horrible mother because of all of these things..."

I raised my hand stopping her tangent, "Stop that nonsense right now... Playing with dolls and wearing dresses, those aren't what makes you a good mother. The fact that you love your baby and will do anything for them, that is what makes you a good mother. The fact that you are willing to fight for a better future for him makes you a good mother. You have nothing to worry about Dora... and even when you don't know what to do, your mother and I will be right by your side ready to help you out."

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