Chapter Twenty Eight

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It was strange to be back in Romania and not to be at work, but I had also quickly adapted into a routine with Artie. We learnt together that sometimes it was pointless being in Romania while Charlie was away and would travel back home to see family, which Molly loved as she had taken to spoiling her first grandson.

I watched as Artie passed 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months and 5 months. He clearly knew certain people now, and always seemed to favour his grandfather when we made our way back to London.

June was a happy time in the beginning. I sat in Grimmuald Place. Ready for a nice slow day, missing Charlie but glad that Artie was getting the chance to know his family.

I wasn't quite sure when the events of the day shifted so drastically... but it seemed all at once that everyone was in a buzz all around the house. Suddenly everyone was leaving to the ministry... and I couldn't let them go without me, so I grabbed onto Tonks.

We landed roughly on the ground in an empty corridor. "Are you daft!" Tonks whispered harshly as others landed around us, "You have a kid! You shouldn't be fighting!"

There was an irony in her words that neither of us would realize for years to come, by nothing was sending me away as I pulled my wand out and illuminated it just as the others around me where doing.

"Indigo..." Tonks said softly, "Please. Be careful at least... you haven't duelled in years... just remember that, and that if you die tonight, you son won't remember you."

I took a deep breath before nodding, "Love you Tonks."

She smiled, "Love you too Indy."

Mad-eye barked from behind us, "Enough of this sappiness, we have got a job to do."

He made his way to the front of our group, and I took that time to look around and see who else was with us. Remus Lupin stood with a fierce look on his face, next to him stood Edith, and in her free hand she held Sirius's. Kingsley stood near the front of the group and seemed to only care what Moody was doing, beside me I felt Tonks take my hand and give it a light squize before letting go... but the moment was interrupted quickly by a loud crash.

Moody frighteningly enough seemed to know exactly where he was going as he pushed open door after door leading our rampage with his wand extended and ready for attack.

Suddenly the group heard Harry yell, "I want to know where Sirius is!"

The words broke Indigo's heart as she thought of how much Harry cared for the man even though they had gotten only a small amount of time with each other.

It was the ice chilling mimicking voice that made me want to vomit though. My mother was here, and she was with Harry and all the others that had followed him... and that made me incredibly angry.

The department of mysterious name suddenly made sense, because just when I thought we were growing closer the voices faded away. When we finally got to them the stood in a room with a veil in it... Harry being bullied by Lucius to give him the prophecy.

Tonks was quick to send a stunning spell his way, and it was that single spell that began the rest. I found myself casting spells I hadn't used in years... mostly aiming for my mother who danced madly all around the room.

Together Tonks and I made our ways towards her, fighting with all our mights... and Tonks was brilliant.

Everyone fought harshly... and I could barely hear Sirius telling Harry and the others to leave, to flee to safety.

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