Chapter Thirty-One

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The visit from Tonks inspired me to dive back into what drove me to become a healer in the first place. I spent my spare time when I wasn't with Artie or doing work for the order draped over books on mind healing, a topic I had lost track of since my healing training with all the excitement in healing at the sanctuary. The topic was interesting to me, but my drive to help those my parents had hurt pushed me further than anything else. Alice and Frank Longbottom were mentioned in a number of books, though their case was always labelled as 'hopeless' or a 'lost cause'. I hoped deep down that I would be the one to change that.

I couldn't help but think the last time I was this driven to do work was back in school when I was attempting to become a healer in the first place. Passing potions with professor Snape had proven to be difficult, but I managed to be one of the few (along with Tonks) to take the N.E.W.T level course. 

"You are going to wear yourself out if you keep reading those books like that," Charlie commented one night as we sat in our bed. He read over a book about dragon mating patterns and I had my pile of healing books on the nightstand next to me, sticky notes in each and every one of them wherever I found something that might help me accomplish my goal. "I don't think I have ever seen you this determined to accomplish something."

I glanced over at him and couldn't help but giggle as he wore his glasses. The only times I ever really saw him wear his thin silver frames was before bed when he read over any type of material. Though I had seen the frames countless times before, it seemed to add a seriousness to his appearance that didn't make sense with the countless scars that appeared across his body and the ponytail he kept his unruly hair tied back in. It was one of the few things that made me laugh besides our sweet son. 

Gently he took the book out of my hands and read over the page I was looking over that evening, "Why are you so interested in mind healing all of a sudden?"

I bit my lip for a moment, not sure if I really wanted to speak my reasonings out loud quite yet. I had never shared my real reasons for becoming a healer, though I had given some reasons that were a large part of it. I wanted to erase the pain people like my parents caused in the world... and part of that included what my parents, uncle and Barty Crouch Junior did to the Longbottom family.

With the Second War upon us with each passing day I thought more and more about writing to the family. Wanting to reach out and talk to them... but I felt to do that I needed something to present to them, something that showed I was working towards healing those who were taken away from them in what I could only imagine was the most painful way possible. Alice and Frank weren't dead, but they weren't there either. They were shells of their former selves and I couldn't even begin to understand how hard it must have been for their family to see them live that each time they went to visit. It was one of the bravest actions I could think of. 

"It's something that has interested me for awhile." I told him softly, "I probably would have gone into mind healing if I didn't get a job here... but it still interests me."

Charlie thought about this for a moment in silence before he wrapped an arm around me. "I think that is true Indy... But I think there is more to it as well. You are going over those books like there is no tomorrow, and if you don't want to share why with me yet that is okay... just know that I love you."

A blush rose to my face and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before laughing at his silver frames once again, "It's like kissing a really serious old man."

He let out a groan and removed the frames, "We have been together for years Indy... you think you would get used to my glasses by now!"

I laughed, "I probably would if you wore them all the time... they just don't seem to fit the rest of your appearance at all."

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