Chapter Nine

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I was beyond thrilled to be returning to the dragon reserve. A fact that was shocking, as before I had first gotten there I was unsure of how it would be... but one constant patient seemed to be changing everything for me... a certain ginger who unfortunately was not there to greet me the way I had so been hoping he would have been. 

When I arrived back to my cabin I just collapsed into my couch and shot a spark towards my fireplace to bring heat to the place. I was beyond tired from all the Christmas festivities that had occurred in the Tonks household to do anything else that night, even though I knew I should probably check in at the medical tent. 

It took me about twenty minutes to build up the energy to leave my couch and another twenty to make my way down to the tent. When I got there it was incredibly quite. Something very rare for our tent. A few different cards sat on my desk and I couldn't help but smile as I saw they were from the workers as thank yous for what I did here. 

"You weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow." A voice said from behind me, giving me quite the fright. 

After recovering from my scare I turned around to see Charlie Weasley, as magnificent as I remember. "I came back early... I missed this annoying worker who always seems to injure himself. You should see his hair, far too red for my liking."

Charlie let out a gasp, "And here I thought you loved my hair!"

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that gingers have no souls?" I asked him, he let out a laugh.

"I thought it was that they ate others, souls, like a dementor."

Shivers went down my spine, "No, that is far too disturbing." I told him, "Though if that is true I would pay you a lot of money to eat my mothers."

Charlie laughed, "Please Indy, you couldn't afford my prices."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Eh, right now the dementors are doing it for free."

Charlie tossed his head back and forth, "Bad workmanship. She deserves the worst."

I let out a sigh, "That she does."

The new year brought all sorts of changes. For starters, a new group of dragons hatched, and if it was even possible Charlie seemed to be in the medical tent even more. Not that I minded it very much. 

Winter melted away into spring and then spring bloomed into summer, marking my first full year in Romania. My first year feeling completely welcome... though, while I had June to enjoy my time with Charlie, we sadly were being dragged away to Egypt for a summer with his family. 

As he packed up his things I sat in his cabin, on his bed very depressed. "Don't go!" I whined, he laughed.

"It will be a chance to see all my siblings, and after what happened with Ginny at school I need to go and see them." He told me, "But the offer still stands for you to come along."

I laughed weakly, "Yeah, and explain to your family about why you've gotten so close with the Lestrange girl..."

Charlie let out a sigh, "They aren't like that Indy. They would love you." He told me, "And even if they didn't, it wouldn't change the fact that you are my closest friend."

A blush crept to my cheeks, "I am going to miss you so much! You had better write me every day!" I told him sternly, "Or else I am going to take a dragon to Egypt and bring you straight home mister."

He laughed, "You're crazy." 

"I can't help it... I get it from my mother." I told him, he shook his head. 

"No, you are nothing like your mother. You know what love is, and that is something she never will. All she knows is obsession, and that is far from love." He told me, "And while she is the luckiest woman for having a daughter like you, she will never know because she is to caught up in her own appearance to care about anyone else."

My cheeks now were as red as Charlie's hair, and his own face quickly mirrored my own. "You are amazing Charles Weasley... now go before I stop you or start to cry."

He gave me a hug, "It's only going to be a month!" He told me, "And I promise to come see you the minute I get back."

And as much as both of us wanted to kiss the other in that moment we had other feelings like fear in the way. So I let him go, and while he was away I experienced the longest month of my life, completely unaware that he was feeling the exact same way.

I spent the time apart from Charlie for the most part just in my cabin and in the medical tent. I went from work to go home and write a letter or read one. About two weeks after he left I returned to my cabin to find two letters, one from Charlie and the other from Tonks. I naturally opened my cousins first. 


I have nearly completed my Auror training at long last. I graduate at the end of this year, or I should as long as I pass the stealth test... which I am little concerned I might not due to being overly clumsy. Mad-Eye has spent some extra time with me, and I have you to thank for that. He seems to remember a young witch with no parents and completely heartbroken.

This is not all that I have to say, though, after reading your last letter it sounds as if you have caught the love bug for a Weasley. I need to know all the details asap! Mum doesn't know anything yet because I haven't told her, all she knows is that you two are friends... does his family know? Are you a thing? I must know! 

No boys here, which is totally okay. I would rather be on my own right now and just focus on my training. Maybe one day. Please tell me all about your work, how are your patients and have you seen any dragons up close? If you have mum would throw a fit! 

Lots of love, 


I smiled and closed her letter and put it to the side before lifting up the one from Charlie. His letter seemed much heavier, and when I opened it up I realized why. He had enclosed some sand from Egypt, and it made my smile as it fell down onto my kitchen table. 

I opened up his letter and began to read, the grin on my face growing even larger. 

'Dear Miss Indigo Tonks Lestrange,

It has... sorry, I tried to be formal and not even a sentence into the letter and I fail. I guess I am not nearly as funny when you are not around... which is odd because, before the birth of the twins, I was the funny one in my family. Speaking of them, since arriving in Egypt my mother has not stopped asking questions about you. Like I said, she doesn't care that you are a Lestrange... though it did take a little convincing for my father to understand our friendship. 

I should note that I miss you incredibly, which is incredibly predictable. From you are your craziness to your completely irrational fear of dragons. I will see you see, I am sorry that this letter is so incredibly short, but you see that nothing incredible really happens in my life without you around.



Hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it! I can see Indigo so clearly it's crazy, what do you see her as? Where do you see her going? I would love to know!


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