Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Do you miss him?" Fleur asked in her thick French accent, "Charlie? I can hardly imagine being away from Bill for such a stretch of time?"

I had never had any issues with Fleur, which is something that couldn't be said for a lot of the Weasley family. I saw her simply for the sweet French woman that she was, not someone trying to marry Bill for ulterior motives. When the Weasley's had first met me, they were accepting... but in a way, I wish they had treated me more like they treated Fleur. I hadn't thought I deserved to find a family as amazing and welcoming as them, so it hurt to see them be so hostile towards Fleur. If Bill had found love, even in a time of war, it just gave us something beautiful to celebrate.

Only a few short weeks had passed since the birth of my nephew Edward, or as his parents affectionately called him, "Teddy". Since that time both Remus and Dora had been glowing, tired, but glowing with the happiness that now surrounded their lives. Harry had been named godfather, which surprised many, but not me. I had seen the support that Harry had given Remus in the years that I had known the both of them, and I could picture no one better to be the other half of the god parenting team, Dora having chosen me as her sons Godmother.

It was a sunny morning, the first day of May. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook had left the Cottage long before anyone else was awake, though we all knew they would leave again, the Cottage somehow felt empty without their presence. Together Fleur and I stood in the kitchen making breakfast... well, I mostly just watched. Cooking had never come easily to me, but Fleur looked as though she could have been a professional chef in another life. The young woman appeared so at peace as she measured out flour onto the counter and needed dough for a breakfast pastry.

"I miss him all the time." I said softly, "But being with family makes it easier on both me and Artie."

Fleur gave me a small smile, and whether it was because of her veela heritage, or simply because of her pure kind soul, a smile from Fleur seemed to light up the world even on the worst of days. "It is crazy that he is already over two years old!" She laughed, "And nearly three years since I met you at the tournament..."

The words Fleur spoke seemed to evaporate in the air around us. Three years since the tournament, a fact that translated to three years since the rebirth of Voldemort. Three years since this war had began and three years living in a world of fear, never knowing if you would live to see the next day. I placed a gentle hand on Fleur's shoulder, "Harry, Ron, and Hermione... they will figure this out. They are on some sort of mission to end this, and we just have to have faith that they will."

It wasn't immediately after that moment that Bill rushed into the kitchen, but it almost seemed like that as he rushed in out of breath and his entire body shaking. "They..." He stumbled with his words, a frantic tone to his voice as both Fleur and I looked at him as if he had gone mad.

"What is wrong Bill?" Fleur asked in a worried tone, and I am sure in that moment both of our minds went into overdrive worrying about the fates of everyone else in the family.

When Bill began to laugh it only worried us more. "One of my contacts at the bank just flooed... They broke into the bloody bank!"

"Your co-worker broke into the bank?" I asked skeptically, "I thought that was impossible..."

Bill quickly shook his head, "No... Ron, Harry and Hermione broke into the bank."

"You're having a piss!" I said with a shake of my head, "They couldn't have..."

Bill shook his head once more, "No word of a lie... they broke into the Lestrange vault and rode out on a bloody dragon!"

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