Chapter Twenty-Six

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December 1980

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"Mother," I said gently as I looked up to Bellatrix. She wore the pearls that she often did when we went out. I didn't quite understand why she wore them, as we were simply traveling to her sisters' house for Christmas, but I had learned by now that it was best not to question my mother. It would just end with upset feelings, and it certainly was not what I wanted to be feeling during the holidays.

My mother looked down at me, there was no kindness in her eyes but a slight irritation. "What is it Indigo? Can you not see that I am busy getting ready?"

I looked down and held back the urge to apologize, I knew doing so would only further increase her irritation. "Do you think Aunt Cissy will let me hold baby Draco? I know she didn't last time we visited... but I am older now and it is Christmas..."

"How am I supposed to know if Narcissa will let you hold her child? Do I look like I am able to predict the future? Do I look like I am able to read minds? What a foolish question."

Each strand of her hair was perfectly in place. I knew mine was a mess, but it was hard enough to keep it from changing shades when I laughed to be able to keep it tame. My mother often scolded me over the condition of my hair, though I always thought it had to do with the letters her other sister, the one she never spoke about, sent.

Once a year, for as long as I had remembered a card arrived in the mail. On it would be a photo of a young woman very similar in appearance to my mother, a male who looked extremely tired, and another girl who looked about my age. She had different hair in each photo I saw of her... something that excited me enough to ask who she was. 

My mother had been very angry that I saw the letter. I was smart enough after the first beating to not mention it again, but from what I gathered from the tapestry at Aunt Walburga's, she was the sister between my mother and Aunt Cissy... though no one mentioned her as she had married a muggle born. 

The tapestry was the only thing I had enjoyed about my visits with great aunt Walburga. Each time I traveled there she pinched my cheeks and whispered about how one day I would be just as strong as a witch as my mother. She thought to let me see the tapestry would help teach me about our family history, and in thinking that she never once forbid me from sitting down in front of it. 

I never mentioned her son Sirius, though I had faded memories of him from when I was younger. I knew not to mention him as soon as I saw his picture of the tree now a spot of black. Over time I came to realize the black marks on the tree were there because the people had done something bad... and it was also quite obvious that there were very few of them. 

Iola Black was one name I starred at frequently and learned from listening to my aunt that she had married a muggle. Another was Cedrella Black, and I learned early on that she had married into the known blood traitor family, the Weasley's. 

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