Chapter Thirty-Three

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"It has been too long since you last came to visit." My Aunt Andromeda said as she bounced Artie up and down on her knee. "When this war is all done with Ted has been talking about coming out to see you both in Romania."

I smiled and once again felt a warm fuzzy feeling at the thought of showing my loved ones the place I called home. Artie let out a gurgling sound as he sat on his "grannie's" lap. I had only seen it right for my son to see Andromeda and Ted as his grandparents as they had been the only real parents I had ever had. 

"I'm sorry it has been so long," I told her softly, "But you guys know that I love you, right?"

She nodded and placed a kiss on Artie's forehead, "And I love you Indigo. The moment you came home when you were done third year, just fourteen years old, you became my daughter just as much as Nymphadora is."

I felt my eyes well up before I controlled my emotions and leaned back on the couch in my aunts living room. "I'm looking at mind healing," I told her softly, and as I said those words her head snapped in my direction.

"It isn't your fault Indigo. You can't feel guilty for what they did."

I gave a small nod, "I know... it is just hard not to. It is something that I am going to think about for the rest of my life."

The visit with my aunt and uncle was much quieter than the visit Artie and I had with the Weasley family, even despite the fact that the majority of the family was not present at the time.

I had the chance to sit down with Poppy Placer while home, the second godmother to Artie, and she was more than happy to see him. More importantly, I was finally getting a real update as to what was happening with her and Percy. The two had been together for a significant amount of time now, and despite the fact that I knew she was very stressed about not sharing the entire truth with him, I also knew that she was happy. 

I was quite entertained by the small girl and her soft yet vibrant attitude. Artie enjoyed babbling to her as she seemed endlessly patient with listening with what he had to say even if it didn't make any sense. 

"You are quite the smart boy." Poppy said softly, "I wish I could tell your Uncle Percy about this, but then he would blow his top."

Poppy made some explosion noises with her mouth and Artie was brought into a fit of giggles because of this. I couldn't help but laugh at this as the two seemed so happy together despite the fact that they had hardly seen each other in the almost year since Artie's birth. 

I took a sip of the tea that sat before me in the Leaky Cauldron, "So how are things with Percy? Any sign of him reconciling with his family?"

Poppy quick shook her head, "Sorry Indy, but he still gets all quiet and grumpy when his family, particularly his father, is mentioned." She told me, "I can't really push it with him, not without him getting suspicious of me..."

I gave her an odd look, "Is it really so weird for a girlfriend to wonder about their boyfriends family?"

She gave a shrug, "He just isn't really a person who likes to share about personal stuff... honestly I think he is going through a hard time now. He knows that you-know-who is really back, and he knows the ministry was wrong and his parents were right... he just doesn't want to admit that he was wrong. It isn't in his nature to not know something, and to admit that is even more difficult for him."

I gave a nod, "Hopefully things in time will change... but how do you plan on telling him then that you have known all of us for quite some time when he takes you to meet the family?"

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