Chapter Six

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"Charles Weasley!" I screamed, "You put me down this moment!"

He laughed wildly as he threw me over his shoulder and ran me out of the medical tent, "All you ever do is work!" He said as he ran farther and farther away, "You need to learn how to relax!"

I growled, "I was perfectly relaxed back on the ground of the tent!" I yelled at him angrily, "There are things I need to do!"

Charlie snorted, "Everyone else is relaxing and taking some time off, why can't you?" He asked as we approached my cabin, "Now, let's do something."

When I was finally put down I scowled at Charlie with full force. "You are mental! Mad! Off your rocker!" I said with anger, he laughed and flopped down on my couch.

"And you aren't?"

It was strange having Charlie in my house like this, for him to just invite himself in. In my three months at the sanctuary I had spent lots of time with the man. He just seemed to always be around, whether it was flying above the villiage chasing after a dragon, on the cot in the tent bleeding horribly, or just around in his time off.

I rolled my eyes, "Are you ever gonna get sick of spending time with me?" I asked him, he shook his head. "What time is it even?"

"Ah-ha!" He said very suddenly causing me to jump, "That is a sure sign you have been working to long. You don't even know what time it is! It could be morning, it could be night, you don't know."

I rolled my eyes at the man and looked out the window, "Charlie, it is very clearly some time in the evening. The sun is setting and it tends to only do that at night."

Charlie then went off into a long speech of how everything could have changed while I was off doing boring work, I laughed through most of it and rolled my eyes constantly, something I don't think I did before I met him. 

While Charlie continued to ramble on and on all about how I should just relax I walked over and picked up the most recent letter Tonks had sent me, I hadn't been able to read it the night before as Charlie had dragged me off to some tree that he claimed was lucky. Like everything else with Charlie it had some bizarre story behind it.

I pulled the piece of parchment out of the envelope and began to read, doing my best to tune Charlie's loud voice out. 

'Dear  Indigo, 

That's it. I am going to have to come to Romania and take you home, you simply are not writing me enough. Not only that but I believe you are falling head over heels for that boy. He seems to be all you write about now a days, and all your adventures.

If I remember correctly it used to be you and I having all those amazing adventures and stories to tell, or am I remembering wrong!?

All joking aside I truly do miss you Indy, and by the way I still cannot get over that nickname. It is so much better then Dora, much less girly. I envy you.

Do you still plan on coming home for the holidays? Mum is insanely worried that you wont, and that you will spend it with "that dragon boy" instead. That is what she has taken to calling Charlie by the way, both dad and I find it incredibly amusing.

All anyone seems to talk about at training now a days is Sirius Black, it is hard to believe he has been escaped for just about three months. Mum is getting more and more paranoid, which is very stressful. You would think that the next war was just around the corner the way you heard her talk... but at the same time I can see a pained look in her eye when she talks about him.

I really do think he used to be good Indy, I mean, why else would she care about him so much? I was once told that the ones who love us most can cause us the most harm? And you know who told me that. You did, we were fourteen at the time and sitting about the lake. It was one of your bad days, and I mean one of your really bad days. 

I had asked if there was anything I could do to make you feel better, and you simply looked me in the eye and said no. I told you all about how awful they were, and how you shouldn't care and that is when you told me it. You just said, "Sometimes the ones we care about and the ones who love us must can cause us the most harm."

I was really bloody surprised, I mean you had never really said anything like that to me before, so maybe that is why I remember it so vividy. But besides the point, I believe that is now what is happening to mum, so please, please come home for the holiday. We need our Indy.

Lots of love, 

xox Dora'

"Earth to Indigo!" Charlie said, "Are letters more important to me and relaxing?

I simply rolled my eyes and put the letter down, "I think I need to go take some time off." I told him, "For the holidays I mean, my aunt is going a little crazy without me around it sounds like... and my cousin..."

Charlie smiled, "You know Indigo, a lot of people would think you were alone because your mum and dad were shipped off, but it sounds like you found your place in the world with your aunt and uncle." 

I laughed, "You know I thought that two for a little while."

"Well what changed that?" Charlie asked me, I looked around the house and at all the things in it. Then out the window, and all around... and then back to Charlie.

A smile spreed across my face, "Coming here, and meeting the people."

"And am I one of those people?" He asked me, a smirk came across my face.

"Well Mr Weasley, I think you will have to wait and see to find out."

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