Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It took a long time for the yelling to stop. The chaos of the order was second only to the chaos the rest of our world endured when news got out that Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban. It was in the midst of all the chaos though that I slipped from the house and made my way walking down the street before apparating away draped in dark robes.

When my feet touched ground once again they clacked against the cold cobblestone of Diagon Alley. Many happy memories surrounded this place, for many years I had been able to walk freely hear without any thoughts of my parents, but now it no longer seemed so easy. I shivered into my robes at the thought and began my determined walk down the empty street. Everything here felt darker now.

An eery quiet was all that could be heard as I made my way of the street and down the darker road neighbouring it. Knockturn Alley was no stranger to me as I walked the dark streets. More people moved down this road then the last. Often I received looks as I passed. By, but quickly shivered more into my robes in hopes of hiding my face from others. They knew who I was.

Finally reached the store I desired I pushed the door open and let I close behind me before looking to the lone shop worker.

I cleared my throat, "Mister Borgin?" The man at the desk looked up from the desk, and quickly before lowering my robe I shifted my appearance to one he would remember from my youth. As the clothe fell from my face he seemed rather surprised, "I believe you can help me some."

He let out a cough, "Miss Lestrange..."

I shook my head quickly, "None of that. No worshiping me like I am some sort of royalty. I do not care whether the blood of the Black family runs through my veins or that my parents were perhaps once your best costumers. It has been more then fourteen years since that was my life... but there is something I would like you to deliver for me."

Borgin raised his eye brows, "I am no owl Miss Lestrage."

I narrowed my eyes the way I remembered my mother would have, "I did not ask if you were an owl! I said I wanted you to deliver something for me, now you will do best to listen what I have to say!"

I flashed my hair a hot red in hopes of frightening him, and luckily it seemed to have done the trick. "Of course Miss Lestrange..."

Quickly I could feel the weight lifting from my shoulders, and quickly reached in and pulled out a letter.

"I don't care who it is, but anyone from the Malfoy family... or my mother, father or uncle... you give them this and tell them that I gave it to you." I said in a chilling soft tone, he gripped the envelope and gave a small nod. "Good day Mister Borgin..."

Lifting my hood back up I retreated from the shop, and it was then that I finally felt the fear of all that had just happened. For just a moment, I had been the person my parents had always wanted me to be... and the person I had pushed away for my entire life without them.

* * *


You and I both know a war is what split us up in the first place... so I thought I should let you know what your choices have done and how they have effected me. As my mother you deserve as much I suppose.

I am going to do everything in my power to stop you. I will never let you hurt someone else the way you tortured me... the way you ruined so many lives. I am not on your side Bella... quite the opposite. I will never be the daughter you wanted me to be.

I have seen the evil in this world, and it is you... and I have seen the good, and if has so much more power then you could ever hope. I have been corrupt you could say, or perhaps you would say... and if all started the day I boarded the Hogwarts Express and met a girl by the name of Nymphadora Tonks. The first real family I have ever had.

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