Chapter Five

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I stood outside the medical tent when Charlie came up to me, he seemed out of breath and extremely happy. "Indigo! Indigo!" He yelled coming up to me, I laughed and turned to him. 

"Yes Charlie?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrow, "Can I help you?"

He nodded very quickly, "You need to come see this." 

Despite what everything told me I followed the over excited red head away from the medical tent and towards where the dragon nesting area was. He held my hand dragging me the entire way and the closer we got the more I wanted to turn back.

"Charlie... I don't know if this is a good idea..."

He laughed, "Nonesense... this will be the most amazing thing you will ever see." He told me, "I mean how many people can say they saw a dragon hatch?"

I stopped dead in my tracks nearly knocking Charlie onto the ground, "Hatch? You are actually taking me to the hatching? I... no. My spot is in the medical tent."

Charlie laughed at me, "Where did you think we were going Indigo? To go off and snog?"

I snorted at him, "Well Charlie I am afraid I would have had to break your heart if that was the case... you see I have this thing about not snogging gingers..."

"Oh shove off!" He said bumping into me, "I guess if you don't want to watch the most amazing thing ever..."

I laughed, "I don't."

He raised his hands up, "Okay, okay... I guess we could go talk? I mean you haven't even heard my biography yet."

Once again he made me laugh, "Well my cousin did do a little snooping when I told her about you... she said you have like a million siblings and only one sister." I told him, he gasped.

"You got your cousin to snoop on me!" He said dramatically, "I feel so betrayed!" 

This time it was me lifting my hands up, "Hey, I didn't tell her to do anything... I just told her your name and she apparently spoke to my aunt about it."

He rolled his eyes, "Well I don't even have a million siblings." 

"Oh, well how many do you have?" I asked him, we had now begun walking back to the tent. I was actually suprised how far he was able to drag me in the little amount of time.

Charlie laughed, "Six. Not nearly as many as your cousin said."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes wide at I looked at him. "You have six siblings? Merlin's beard... I don't even have one unless you count Tonks!" I said in disbelief, "What is it like to have that many?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know... guess it wasn't very quite growing up... especially after Fred and George were born. They tend to cause a bit of trouble." He told me, I jumped eagerly.

"Like what?" I asked him, he smiled.

"Well, this one time me and my older brother Bill were supposed to be watching the younger ones... and Ron, he's the second youngest, accidentally broke Fred's toy broomstick... and well Fred was mad, so mad he turned Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider."

I gasped, "That's awful!"

Charlie nodded with a laugh, "And the worst part is, Ron is still terrified of spiders to this day... and not like a little afraid of spiders, I am talking actual fear." He paused for a moment, "He is going into third year this year, and well there is no question of what his boggart will turn into."

I looked to the ground thinking about my own boggart, "Yeah... well that class was terrifying."

Charlie's widened, "You were the girl who's boggart turned into that woman who kept saying she was a disappointment, weren't you?"  

I nodded and kicked a rock away from the path we walked on, "Well, there's a very good reason as to why my mother is in Azkaban... when people say that she is crazy, that's not even half of it. I don't think she has the part of your brain that tells you something is wrong. Not unless its talking to a muggleborn or halfblood or even someone like you or your family." 

Charlie was silent for a moment before taking my hand in his, "And you were scarred of disappointing her?" He asked me, I shook my head very quickly.

"No. I am scarred of becoming her." I told him, he shook his head very quickly.

"No, that's impossible." He told me with much confidence, "And do you know why?"

I shook my head and he gave a small smile, "It's because that you have that part of your brain. Somehow, some miracle, made it so you knew what was wrong. You kept that ounce of innocence you needed to make it through, your aren't a Lestrange. No Indigo, you are a survivor."


Summer faded away and then came September. The weather around the sancutary seemed to change incredibly drastically and I couldn't seem to get enough wood to heat the small cabin I lived in. I began to miss those stuff summer days more then anything, which was something I thought I would never say. 

Charlie spent countless afternoons when he didn't work just lounging around the medical tent asking all sorts of questions about what the different potions did. For some reason I really enjoyed tellingn him, and he even helped brew up some new potions that I needed to restock. 

Some days we would just read, and others we couldn't shut up. It seemed that in some ways Tonks was right about Charlie, it seemed impossible not to open up to him, and no matter what I told him he took it with ease. 

Over time though, I found myself developing feelings that I didn't even know I could feel. Something I knew better then anyone that my parents didn't feel for each other, and that the only time I really saw this wonderful thing in action was between my aunt and uncle. 

I was starting to like Charlie Weasley in more than just a friend way. 

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