Chapter Twenty-One

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It was the first Friday of July when I walked softly through the London streets towards an orphanage. I had never been to one before, I had never wanted to be in one before. I knocked softly on the door before opening it with little force. There on the other side of the door stood two young teens. One of the two was very tall, and the other very short.

"Hullo," I said with a perky voice, "You must be Poppy."

She nodded with a small smile, "Yeah," her voice sounded sad, "And this is Lincon, the only other one like us in this place."

She quickly pulled him into a tight hug, they held each other for a long moment before she let him go. "And as soon as I can, I am coming back for him and taking him out of this place."

I laughed and looked at the two, "He must be a very good friend... Oh sorry! Where are my manors, my name is Indigo Tonks, and I hate to rush your goodbye but we really have to get going."

Once again Poppy threw her arms around Lincon, "I will miss you so much!" She said sadly, "You take care of yourself and don't listen to what the muggles say..." I watched as he placed a kiss on the top of her head. 

"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" He said in an incredibly soft voice, "And write as soon as you can."

That was the last thing I heard from the boy Lincon and made my way out of the orphanage with Poppy walking beside me. She was quite, and very reserved. She seemed very surprised when we started to walk away from the orphanage rather than using a magical form of travel. 

I took this opportunity to practice telling people because the idea still terrified me, "It's not far..." I said softly, "And if you get tired of walking we can always call the night bus... though I suppose right now it would be the day bus."

Poppy let out a soft laugh and looked around at what we were looking at. I took a shaky breath, "I don't think any magical sort of transportation when created, thought of pregnant witches... I haven't found one yet that doesn't make me ill!"

Loudly Poppy let out a gasp and looked down to my stomach, "You're pregnant?"

I nodded while laughing lightly, "Not far along, 13 weeks." I told her looking down at my stomach as well, "And, well I never thought I would feel so... excited." I told her lightly, "Not many people know, though, so when we get to headquarters... mind keeping it under your hat?"

Poppy nodded her head very rapidly, we were now quite some distance away from the orphanage and I could tell that she was confused. We had made quite a few pointless turns that made the journey a bit longer, but it was just the precautions I was supposed to make to ensure no one was following us. 

I took a shaky breath, "So if you don't mind me asking, do you know whether your parents were magical... or?"

Poppy let out a long sigh, "I have no idea." She said, "I never really cared, I was left at some orphanage... and I made my way there when no one wanted the runt."

A sad smile spread across my face, "Well, size doesn't matter... and from what the professors have told me, you are quite the feisty girl."

"For a Hufflepuff." Poppy laughed, I quickly shook my head with a loud laugh.

"I wouldn't say that, after all, I was a Hufflepuff in my school days..." I said thinking back, "And from what I remember, you don't want to mess with a sleeping badger... or any badger for that matter."

The rest of the walk went by quickly, and in no time at all, we had reached headquarters. I dug through my pockets and pulled out a slip of paper, "Mind giving that a read? Silently of course."

Quickly Poppy read the paper, and I knew by the look on her face she could now see the extra house in front of us. "Well come on now... dear me I am turning into Molly," I said with a laugh. 

She followed me up the steps and followed me as I opened up the door to the house, I motioned for her to be quiet and waved her arms so she would follow me. Her eyes lingered on the covered portrait of Walburga, but not for long as we entered the kitchen where many of the order members sat along the long dining table. 

"This is Poppy," I said introducing her to the group, "I am sure some of you recognize her... Poppy, you know Remus..."

I didn't get very far in the introductions as her eyes landed on Sirius in the corner of the room. She seemed quite surprised when I laughed, "I see you have heard of my cousin, he is as harmless as a fly... and only slightly crazy." I said softly, "And he hasn't killed anyone, that was Peter Pettigrew... I am surprised Dumbledore didn't warn you, though I am starting to think that he likes to see how people will react."

A laughed escaped Sirius's lips, "Enough Indigo." He said in his gruff voice, "When people hear your name it's almost a guarantee that they react the same way." He said softly, "Indigo Lestrange, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, my demented cousin."

A groan suddenly escaped the mouth of Edith on the other side of the room, "Don't even say that word around me... demented!"

Poppy seemed incredibly confused about this sudden outburst, "Calm down Edie," Sirius said with a laugh, "It's been what... twenty-six years? I know you have long since accepted what has happened."

Edith smiled and turned towards Poppy, "Hullo, it's lovely to meet you. My name is Edith, though everyone around here calls me Edie."

"Except us." I turned around to see that Eliza and Ella had entered the kitchen, something they did often despite the fact that it angered Molly to no end. 

As Ella often did she finished Eliza's statement, "We call you mum, some of the times."

"I mean, it's been what, half a month since we found out?"

Remus laughed causing Poppy to turn around suddenly once again, "And it seems like you have always known that you were sisters." He said gently, "And might I remind you that I have known that I had two daughters, let alone any."

"It was for the best!" Edith said lifting her hands up into the air, a smile spread across my face as I watched the five of them. It was something amazing to see, how they acted around each other.

Sirius made his way around the room and wrapped his arms tightly around Edith, "They understand." He said gently, Poppy looked around the room highly confused, but the story of Edith Brown was a long and complicated one. 

Molly, who was the only other person in the room stood up from her stole in the corner of the room. She dusted off her apron and sent a smile towards her, "Hullo deary," She said softly, "Welcome to the order."

A bright smile spread across Poppy's face very suddenly, "Glad to be here."


'Dear Indigo,

I don't know when I will be able to get out to see you... and hopefully, we will be able to see each other soon. I have yet to think of anything perfect enough to name our daughter, as if she is anything like you, she will be perfect. I know recently you have been busy with work and other things, but I feel like your letters are far too short.

Your pregnancy is getting farther and farther along, and I don't know how much longer you can go without telling the family... and everyone else in the order, and I am sure to an extent... you don't want to tell them because suddenly you will become just a pregnant woman, but I want to make sure you and our baby are safe. 

Noni is being incredibly needy ever since you have left, and when I come to see you guys I am sure I will have to take her with me as she doesn't seem to be happy unless you are around. I am sure that the house is becoming incredibly filled, but hopefully, there will be room for one more sassy, grumpy cat. 

Lots of love, Charlie.' 

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