Chapter Thirty Nine

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I watched as the fire sparked rapidly as the book burned within the fireplace. The magic within the novel brought out green and purple flashes as it burnt to a crisp. There wasn't much more I could do besides burning the horrible book. Reta Skeeter wasn't here for me to hex, so a single copy of her books death would have to suffice.

Only weeks had passed since the passing of Dumbledore. In those weeks there was a lot of pain, but also the happiness I shared with my sister as she finally married the man she loved. Few attended Artie and me among the few, along with Remus' best friend Edith and their two daughters. The ceremony was short and to the point but also filled with love as we felt as though the world was ending all around us.

I now was back at the Burrow, watching the flames engulf the horrid book on the life of Dumbledore. I knew only a few people truly knew him, and I knew that I was among the few that knew of his father's fate. That no longer was the case. Rita Skeeter had tried her best to tarnish the name of the great man in his death. Tried to rename him as the son of the muggle haters. A title he worked so hard to wash away from his life, a title he tried to work to prove wrong.

"Mummy!" Artie called happily as he entered the room, "Unca Fwed bad!"

His shrilly laugh brought a small smile to my face, everything about Artie had been a light in the midst of dark times. That evening many of our family members would be heading out to retrieve Harry from his aunt and uncles. Both Ginny and myself were beyond frustrated that we were being stopped from accompanying those heading out.

"Your skills will be most useful at the Burrow." Moody had said, though I am sure Molly bullied him into such a statement, "It will be best to have a healer waiting in case anything happens."

I was furious that I was stopped from going. Molly I knew would only ever see me as a mother, but I also did not want my son to grow up seeing me simply on the side lines.

"Was uncle Fred bothering you?" I asked softly as my son ran into my lap, "Why don't you watch the fire with mummy? Aren't the sparks pretty?"

Fleur glided into the room and placed a quick kiss on Artie's head, "Salut Artie! Salut Indigo!"

I gave her a warm smile, "Only a few more days until your a married woman... Fleur Weasley, got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

The other woman let out a soft laugh, "And what about Indigo Weasley? When will we be hearing that name?"

With a smile I flashed my hair to the bright Weasley red, causing Artie to giggle madly as I rarely ever shifted my hair from its dark purple shade I wore it in most days. He reached his hands up and shifted his hair from his usual red hair to my dark purple. I placed a kiss on his forehead, "You like the purple better?"

"Yes, mummy!" He said happily, and his hair shifted back to its red.

Fleur twisted her silvery blonde hair around her finger. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, and I knew her veela genes played a part in that, she was also beautiful in soul. She would fit in with the Weasley family so easily, it is where I knew she belonged. I could see her and Bill years down the line with children of their own, and still beautifully happy. The kind of love I didn't know existed until I found it with Charlie. The man I missed with every fibber of my being and longed for the days to go by faster so I could hold him in my arms once again.

I knew now was the quite before the storm. The only people in the Burrow right now was those who were closest to the family. The broken hearted Poppy who still managed to wear a smile on her face despite the pain she was feeling. Hermione who spent her time with both Ron and Ginny, mostly keeping to themselves. Hiding secrets that I knew drove Molly crazy. Fleur of course was here, but other then that the Burrow felt empty.

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