Chapter Two

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I woke the next morning to the brilliant sun shinning in on my face

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I woke the next morning to the brilliant sun shinning in on my face. The heat of summer made the cabin impossibly stuff, one of the many reasons I knew I could not just lounge in bed all morning long.

I stumbled out of my sheets that still remained twisted along my body. My pajama shorts had ridden up my thigh and majority of my stomach was revealed. I quickly adjusted my clothing as I made my way over to the window and pulled it open with quick haste. Beyond desperate for a slight breeze.

I quickly changed from my night ware into a work appropriate top and pair of shorts. I slipped into my converses and danced into the kitchen where I quickly whipped up two slices of buttered toast. From the outside world I could hear a roar off in the distance, something I was bound to grow accustomed to.

I practically inhaled my toast and slipped my wand into my pocket before dashing madly out of the house, a few workers laughed at me as I did so. "Should have warned you about how stuffy these cabins get in the summer!" One called out, I sent a smile and a wave towards them before continuing on my way.

The medical tent was about a ten minute walk from my cabin, and while I knew it would be quicker to apparate or even fly there I preferred to walk... especially with my nasty fear of fights and the fact that getting on a broom made me cringe.

"Mornin' Indy." Vasile greeted me, a smile on his tanned face, "Sleep well?"

I smiled in return, "Very, thank you, any you?"

"Just peachy! After I left ye yesterday I saw ze hatch-lings and got home made stew from my wife." He told me,

"I didn't know you were married, does this wife have a name?" I asked him,

He barked out a laugh, "Zat she does, Amorette." He told me, "She was born in ze France."

I smiled, "And how did you met Amorette?" I asked him, grateful for the morning talk and company on the way to the tent.

"She is a ministry worker in France, she came to inspect ze dragons and it was what I say Dragoste la prima vedere, love at first sight." *Sorry if thats wrong I google translated it*

I smiled, "That's so sweet."

"Any men in your life miss Indy?" He asked me, I shook my head.

"Let's just say, not many people wanted to date me back home." I told him, he spat on the ground very suddenly starting.

"Zese men back home must be very stupid!"

I snorted and smiled, "Thank you Vasile."

"It is no problem Indy, I shall see you later, yes?"

I nodded, "Yes, see you later Vasile."

I reached the tent only a minute after Vasile left me and saw that Charlie still remained in his cot, I had expected him to leave after I had left breaking my rule, but he didn't. He wore a new button up shirt, something on of his co-workers or a partner must have brought him.

I looked at the clock in the corner of the tent and decided it was time to once again change his dressings, so I ran a bucket of lukewarm water and grabbed a clean cloth to quickly clean the wound before re-plastering it.

After preparing the water I gently shock his shoulder waking him from his sleep, "Morning sunshine." I said in a joking matter, "I was half expecting you to skip out on me after I left."

Charlie let out a groggy yawn, "Was going to... but figured I better have the healer on my side."

I laughed and looked down to his shirt, "Well, I am just going to clean you up again and give you a new bandage, would you please unbutton your shirt for me?"

He nodded and looked down focusing on his buttons, "I think we got off on the wrong start last night." He noted, "After you left I realized it was pretty clear you didn't want anyone knowing about your lineage."

I studied his face, he seemed genuine. "It was partially my fault as well, it was silly for me to think that I could keep it a secret forever."

Charlie shock his head, "I should have minded my buisness... and I may be over stepping again, but I was just wondering why you changed your name?"

I looked down, "Lestrange isn't really a friendly name, nor one to build a career on."

Charlie nodded, "You seemed quiet last night, why?"

I laughed, "A long time ago my mother told me not to talk to anyone unless I knew what their blood status was. She yelled the first time, and the times after that... they were, shall I say, unforgivable."

I was silent for the rest of my treatment on Charlie, and he didn't question it. I had practically told him that my mother used the cruciatious curse on me, which was something I hadn't told anyone, let alone a man I had just met.

I saw several people through out the day, some for only minor burns, and others for breaks. It seemed there was no rest in this job, that and I got to see it all. It was about four o'clock when a very beautiful woman entered my tent, one who certianly didn't look like she belonged at the reserve, there wasn't a scar on her.

"'Ello," She greeted me, I could already sense a french accent coming from her, "I am Amoretta, Vasile's wife." She went on further, "I am in need of healing."

I smiled at her, "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Amoretta, how can I help you?"

She smiled and let out the most beautiful bell like laugh, "Tres bien!" She said with a small jump, "Vasile et moi, ah, 'ow do you say... 'aving une baby?"

My eyes widened looking at the woman, "Your pregnant?"

She nodded rapidly, "Oui!" She sat down on the cot Charlie had slept on the night before, "Can you 'elp us with ze baby?"

"Of coarse." I assured her, "Do you know how far along you are?"

"Oui mon cher, 12 weeks." She said quickly, "What is baby?"

I laughed, "Do you mean the gender?" She nodded rapidly, "I am afraid I can't tell quite yet, you can usually tell around the 16th week though, anything else you need help with?" I asked her, she nodded once again.

"When baby is born... you 'elp, yes?"

I nodded, "Tres bein! Au'revoir mon cher, zank you very much."

I stayed at the tent until ten o'clock before making my way back to my cottage, preying that it wouldn't be as stuffy as it had been this morning all the time. I was about half way there when I heard a voice call out my name,

"Indigo!" Charlie yelled, "Wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the man, "Yes Charlie?" I asked him, a wide grin spread across his face.

"I was just wonering if you had eaten yet? I have way to much food..."

I laughed, "Are you inviting me for a late dinner?"

He nodded, "I guess I am."

"It isn't just because of what I told you this morning, is it?" I asked him, my black hair flying around me.

He shock his head very quickly, "No, no... I just have to much food and... well you need to eat..."

I snorted, "Well, the Charles Weasley I remember from Hogwarts always seemed much smoother with this around the ladies." I told him, "But yes, I do need food."

His face light up, "So does that mean you'll join me?"

"Fine... but if I find out this had anything to do with my mother I will hurt you Charles, and you will find that those who heal know how to hurt the best." I warned him, he turned a shade lighter and nodded. "Good, now what's for supper?"

He laughed awkwardly, "Well I haven't actually made it yet, I was hoping for your input."

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