Chapter Nineteen

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It was two weeks later that I was called back to London and I went on a brief leave from the sanctuary. Charlie was still unhappy about me leaving but had accepted that this is what I wanted to do.

"You'll be joining me in a couple of weeks," I assured him, "We do have to tell you mum and dad about our news... Though I am surprised Molly didn't sniff it out while I was back at Hogwarts."

Charlie placed one last kiss on my lips, "Be safe, I need my girls safe."

As time had gone on Charlie had become convinced that we would have a girl, while I still stood on the fact that it would be a boy. I patted his hand softly, "Tonks will be here soon, she is taking me there."

Charlie gave me a look, "So I finally get to met Tonks?"

I laughed, "Well you've met her before!" I laughed, "We did go to school together."

"Well, you have to admit we ran in very different crowds." I told him softly, "But be prepared to be given grief or some sort of lecture... Tonks is one of a kind."

Suddenly a crack sounded from outside and there was a light knock at the door. I made my way over and opened it to see Tonks. Her hair was a bright bubblegum pink and a smile was spread across her face. Right away her hand went towards the very small bump forming on my stomach.

"Merlin you're pregnant!" She said happily, I laughed at her and shook my head.

"You already knew that Dora." I said softly, "Now do you want to meet the dad?"

Behind me and could feel Charlie wrap his arms around me, "Nice to met you, or should I say see you again, Tonks." He said with a kind voice, "You'll take care of her, won't you?"

"Of course!" Tonks said happily, "Just don't name the poor kid after me!"

Charlie laughed and placed a last kiss on top of my head, "Remember to write." He said softly, I have a quick nod, "I love you."

"And I love you." I told him, "Time will just fly by, and make sure you take care of my baby..."

In the corner of the room, an annoyed meow sounded, "Well I hate to cut this goodbye short but head quarters is expecting us." Tonks said softly, I nodded and gave Charlie a last hug before exiting the house.

"Just one warning," Tonks said gently, "Sirius Black is on our side, and well we are about to travel to his childhood home...."

"Oh, Merlin... I remember that place, it was dreadful." I shuddered, "So dark and gloomy..."

Tonks laughed, "Well the Weasley family is cleaning it up... Hope you get along well with your future in laws!"

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