Chapter Twelve

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A week after arriving at the Burrow I watched as Mr. Weasley, Ron, Fred, and George all got ready to go and get Harry from his home in Surrey. Ginny begged and pleaded to go as well, but Mrs. Weasley held her ground and said she would see him when they arrived back at the house. Mrs. Weasley even went as far as to say that she would not be alone while everyone else was gone, that she had Hermione, another one of Ron's school friends to spend time with as well.

I watched as they all left, and waited with Charlie and Bill in the kitchen for their return. Bill and Charlie talked happily about their work while I sipped away at a mug of tea. "So what's it like being a healer?" Bill asked me, I let out a sigh.

"Interesting. Especially with my work, I hear all sorts of accents and witches and wizards from all over the world, and if they get injured they are healed because of me. I see burns and cuts and have even saved people from death. It's rewarding, knowing that I am helping others. I love it." I explained to him, he gave a nod and laughed as his brother wrapped a arm around my side.

Charlie let out a laugh, "Not as much as I love you."

A blush spread across my face the way it often did when Charlie told me he loved me, "I love you too my little dragon."

I had not been the only one who had taken to calling Charlie a dragon at the reserve. With his fiery red hair, it seemed he had the ability to approach closer to some of the beasts without disturbing them the way many of the other handlers did. Though it was proven by the scars he wore on his body that the dragons were not always so welcoming of him.

Bill laughed at the two of us, "Well, no love in my life. Just a bunch of tombs and cursed objects." He told the two of us, "I don't think I could even picture a girl in my life right now."

Like the fates were laughing at him, a year later he met the girl of his dreams. Though none of us saw it coming, especially seeing as she was a blonde part veela french girl.

A little while after they had left, longer than any of us expected the boys returned, with a messy dark haired boy. All covered in a little bit of soot.

"Did he eat it?" Fred asked Harry very excitedly, I gave them a curious look.

"Yeah," Harry replied to the tall ginger, "What was it?" He went on,

Fred went on to explain what it was that he gave someone back at Harry's home. I had to admit I was a little amused, not that I really let it show. I was still trying to impress Charlie's parents.

Charlie stood up with a grin on his face, "How're you doing Harry?"

I elbowed him in the side, "Way to scare the boy Charlie! Excuse his manors, he doesn't know that he needs to introduce himself." I said with a laugh, "I'm Indigo, but Charlie here has taken to calling me Indy."

Bill too stood up and shook the boy's hand, and that is when Mr. Weasley returned, angrier than I had ever seen him in the short time I had known him. I quickly gave Charlie a look and the two of us left the room together, the four youngest quickly followed suit and made their way up to Ron's room.

Charlie and I stood in the center of the living room, his forehead pressed against mine. "You excited for the game?" He asked me, I let out a laugh.

"Yeah," I said softly, "I really am."

The following morning I was delighted to sleep late, while I didn't sleep in Charlie's arms the way I normally did I back home, the Burrow just seemed to have an effect on you that gave you all your energy back.

When I did awake all the underage witches and wizards had made their way to the port key that would be transporting them to the game. I was beyond thankful that I was able to use magic whenever I wanted now.

"Morning Indy," Mrs. Weasley greeted me, "The boys are still asleep... can I get you something to eat?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine, but thank you, Mrs. Weasley, I really appreciate it." I told her, "It must be nice to have so many siblings... I mean, when I was little it was just me, and well my mum had anger problems... you could say that,"

She gave me a soft look, "I had siblings... they died in the war, took five death eaters to take them out." She told me, "Not a day goes by that I don't miss them... I suppose you miss your parents."

I shook my head violently, "I miss the idea of parents, what it would have been like to have ones that cared about me when I was younger... but the parents I have to deserve to be where they are. They did horrible things. Awful things, and I am ashamed to be their daughter." I told her, "And no matter how many people I heal, how many people I help, no matter what I do in life it won't matter. They will always be the people who birthed me... I just have to hope that I do things in life that would really piss them off."

She placed a hand on my shoulder, and from then on we sat in silence. Just before lunch, the boys rose from their beds and together we all apparated towards the grounds we would be staying in. Charlie, of course, was mocked by his siblings for his apparation skills, but I held his hand the entire way.

It took some time to find the tent, but when we did Percy seemed overly eager to tell everyone of how he had apparated all on his own. It was times like these that I remembered that he was only just out of Hogwarts, while I was four years out, almost five.

Everyone right now was around a fire, making lunch. The tent behind them made me doubt that there would actually be enough room for all of us inside. The others did not seem all too concerned, though. They just seemed happy to be there.

Charlie took my hand and lead me over to the fire where we took a seat. We each took a plate of sausage and eggs, which tasted oh so much better having been cooked over a fire. Charlie eagerly took seconds, and this is when Mr. Weasley jumped up and started waving his hands around like a madman.

"Ludo! The man of the moment!" He called out, and right away the man he called out to was easily spotted. While we were all supposed to be wearing muggle clothing, this man wore brightly striped quidditch robes. You could have easily pointed him out in a lineup.

Percy eagerly ran forwards and Mr. Weasley began his introductions, "My son, Percy, and Fred... no George, and that Fred, Bill, Charlie, Ginny and Ron.... and Ron's friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, and Charlie's girlfriend Indigo..."

"Lestrange." Ludo finished,

I gave him a smile, "I suppose that was my name once upon a time... I go by Tonks now though, after all my uncle was a better father to me than my actual father ever was." I told him, "And if you hate my first name as much as I am sure you hate my second, you can call me Indy."

The man looked me up and down, "If you happen to run into Crouch I suggest you go by Indy Tonks, he isn't a very big fan of the Lestrange family."

"Who is?" I asked with a small laugh, finally being able to laugh at the fact that I was born a Lestrange, and I would one day die trying my hardest not to be.

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